


3 years, 4 months ago



Name Kumari Cordelia
Alias Kumi (close friends only)
Gender Female
D.O.B / Age 11/25/09 (Created) (~24)
S.O. Bisexual
Status Single
Race/Species Lioness, or human
Height 5'10 (Human/Anthro)
Voice ---
Theme(s) ---

♪ No, I won't smile, but I'll show you my teeth.

Kumari is quiet, moody and distrustful. She can be brutally honest, and sometimes even come across as manipulative and almost cruel. But underneath the sarcasm, confidence and aggression, you can see the fear behind her eyes if you know where to look. All she wants is a safe place to let her guard down, but she rarely allows herself as much. She's almost always on the defensive, but when you can get her guard down a bit she has a sharp wit and a good (albeit dry) sense of humor. A lot of the time if she's somewhere she feels safe she eventually gets very sleepy and will start dozing off after a bit. Depending on who she's with she can be almost cuddly at these times (try any other time though and you'll probably get punched in the nose.)



  • Time alone
  • Chocolate
  • Clear intentions
  • Climbing trees
  • Arguing (sometimes)


  • Large crowds
  • Strange men
  • Idiots
  • Feeling trapped
  • Being told what to do

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Shingai Close friend

She's been friends with him since they were kids, and while he gets under her skin he's gotten her through a lot over the years, and she considers him one of her closest friends (just don't tell him that)


Daze Friend

She and Daze aren't horribly close, but much like Shingai she's known him for years, and she, Shingai and Peri are all very protective of him. Sometimes his innocence is a soothing reminder that not everything is wrong in the world.


Peri Friend

Kumari and Peri don't always know what to talk about when alone together, but they're usually comfortable just being quiet together. Kumari will tease Peri a lot, and will be brutally honest with her and call her out on her bullshit. Peri will always listen to Kumari without judgement when she's going through things at home, and will also call Kumari out when she's being a jerk and crossing a line, where most people wouldn't risk it.


Kassandra Friend

Kumari and Kassandra have been like sisters since they were young and grew up neighbors. Anytime things go bad at home, Kumari usually sneaks out to go hideout at Kassandra's. Even when she doesn't, Kassandra always knows where to find her and has been able to talk some sense into her and keep her safe when no one else could. (Image update eventually)


Meredith Friend

A problematic friend Kumari made as a teenager. Meredith got her mixed up in the "wrong crowd" and has gotten her into a lot of trouble over the years. Their friendship is hardly healthy, but Kumari can relate with her as they had similar upbringings, and she knows Meredith takes shit care of herself. As if that weren't enough, she has a bratty young son that Kumari has gotten attached to and she's turned into sort of an emergency contact for him. (Image update eventually)


Kaz Brother

Her older brother. They get along, but have a slightly strained relationship. She holds a lot of resentment towards him, and sees him as a bit of a coward. But he's also some of the only good family she has, even if they don't always agree. (Image update eventually)


Hakika Mother

Kumari is extremely close with her softspoken mother. Hakika would never hurt a fly; hardly even speaks up for that matter. She adores her kids and does everything she can to protect them, but unfortunately doesn't do the same for herself. It's the only thing she and Kumari ever argue about. (Image update eventually)


Asani Father

Asani is manipulative and cold, and makes his family live in fear. Hakika still loves him, and can still see the good in him. She has no desire to leave him because she knows he would always be alone. Kumari, however, does not see any remaining good in him and hates his guts. But she fears what will happen if she leaves him and her mother alone. (Image update eventually)

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