


Basic Info

Conformation Results

Select Male x1

Herding Results

HTC - passed JHT- Passed HTD - S lvs. I-III - Passed.



Lucky devil

A holiday gift regretted by spring, and abandoned by summer. Videl's first year was spent in some turmoil- though not huge, he's by no means the sort of dog people liked approaching them out of nowhere, and he quickly learned to stay hidden as often as possible; though his shyness did little to quell rumors of the 'Holloway Park Devil', a beast that would supposedly rip out your throat and gobble up your heart before your very eyes. 

It's a superstitious sort of place. 

Still, Videl managed to stay hidden and survive among the fringes of the city, the park in the heart of downtown his favorite haunt, despite the risk it carried- one of the best places for fresh scraps, after all. But summer turned to fall, fall became winter. The crowds thinned and nearly vanished, save a few events bringing them out in such force that Videl would roam elsewhere until things grew quiet again... most of the time. New Year's Eve brought fireworks, and that brought a crowd so thick and quick, the collie couldn't get out of the area before being boxed in. This, combined with the terrifying new experience of fireworks, could have made for a tragic situation, were it not for the intervention of one patron who reached out to help calm Videl down, and eventually got him away somewhere far quieter and far less crowded.

Since then, Videl has been absolutely devoted to Shepard, accompanying her as often as possible, and responding incredibly well to her training efforts despite the difficulties of his first year. He's been particularly delighted with their recent move, and the introduction of an actual herding job, though there's still quite a ways to go.

Loyal and unfailingly obedient to Shepard's commands. Accepts Zephyr as well and will usually obey him, and recognizes Vide Noir as a companion so will usually go along with the Floc's ideas, but anyone else? Good luck. Videl shows an almost alarming degree of intelligence and understanding, sometimes very pointedly going out of his way to do the opposite of someone's request- this lessens the more he gets to know someone, but even then, he likes playing his tricks. Fairly calm temperament on the whole, though- has become more accustomed to loud noises, remarkably tolerant of other creatures, good towards the sheep and cattle. Has a minor rivalry with the crows- can often be found squabbling with them, though he stops short of anything more than snapping at them. The only thing that seems to set him off is perceived threat to himself or Shepard, particularly when they're out surveying the forest; he hasn't had any actual bites yet, but he has no hesitations charging at intruders.

Favorite game is 'lazy tug-o-war'- he's flopped out on the floor, Shepard's flopped on her bed, they half-heartedly tug at a rope toy until one of them (eight times out of ten, Shepard) gives up. Eternally bewildered at Vide Noir's... existence- looks like fox??? But talks like a person?? 

Name: Videl

Gender: Male

Height: 21 in

Weight: 43 lbs

Color: Liver-Based Recessive Dark Red Stained Striped White

Genotype: Ayat bb CC DD ee hh II kyky mm stst+ tt UU LL

Breeding Notes: Stained has a 2% chance of passing to offspring.