


3 years, 4 months ago



Maxie, Unideal Timeline

Mah ks
Birth date
Occupation: None
Personality: Maxie's a troubled child. He feels like there's something wrong with him, but he doesn't know what it is (spoiler: it's mental illness). He finds himself getting angry very quickly and feels like there's nothing he can do about it. So he just...doesn't really do anything about it. He's prone to frequent furious outbursts, which in the end only make him more upset. He very much needs things to be just so and if they're out of order, he's bound to flip out. Unfortunately, he notices when things are out of place super easily. On top of that, he'll get frustrated incredibly quickly, whether it's his own fault or somebody else's. He sort of expects himself to preform like X and gets very upset when it doesn't work out that way. He's very hard on himself in that regard and doesn't give himself any wiggle room. He's got walls up and those walls are thick and prickly. Very guarded and doesn't have an intention nor reason to let anyone in. Won't give you respect by default. You have to earn it and he'll probably be rude and snide to you up until then. Definitely copes via the tough, mean, outsider kid vibe because you can't hurt him if you can't get close
Physical Description: 4'5" and theoretically not done growing. Three candy-corn-sized horns on the back of his head
History: Maxie has never known anything about his parents, as he's been in the adoption system for his entire life up to this point. He always took to Dakota as his older brother even through the two of them weren't blood related - they just happened to be staying together. Over the years, the two of them have been separated, reunited, and moved into various homes. Maxie always finds himself back where he started since he's a nightmare and generally doesn't take kindly to new 'parents'

Currently, he's living in less of an orphanage, more of a foster home. The woman there has taken on several tough cases, so she sort of knows what she's doing. Maxie, however, continues to be a nightmare. He's been there a while, so he's basically used to living with her and the other fosters. He's kind of just...trying to figure out how to exist right now. Things are stable enough for his emotional turmoil to be addressed, but the lady's trying to tread lightly and just gain his trust for now. There's no clear intention on moving him or the other fosters to another location. They sort of just live there right now, trying to learn to be kids


Leather, somebody else's house
Main Hand
Undiagnosed mental illness
Dec 31, 2020
Details: Maxie wants to be called Maxie. He doesn't really like his name and will get pretty irritable if it's used more than on the rare occasion 🌱 Hates, hates, hates the rain and absolutely refuses to go out in it. He'd sooner die 🌱 Has some magical abilities. These aren't considered strange - they're just sort of a thing 🌱 Maxie very much likes things to be just so. If things are moved, out of order, knocked over, etc, he may grow to be viscerally upset. If he can't put things back the way they were, he'll likely go into tantrum mode 🌱 Maxie frequently has tantrums, as he gets so frustrated it seems to be the only way he can diffuse the pent up emotion 🌱 When throwing a fit, he'll often throw items. Part of his magical ability includes a sort of force push to things he's in contact with, so he can really hurl stuff around the room. This results in a lot of broken things, which upsets him even more, as the objects are no longer in the 'just so' state they were moments ago 🌱 Inevitably, Maxie will go into hiding after having a tantrum. He'll seek a small space that's away from view. Clutter and warmth are a bonus, but he'll forgo them if there isn't an apparent source. Often, he'll curl underneath desks or in closets 🌱 Despite holding onto all his emotions like he does, he doesn't often cry (nor blush or any of those things). Everything seems to be anger whether he wants it to be or not 🌱 When having a tantrum, he'll never hurt people or animals (plants may sometimes get caught in the crossfire). His focus is on objects, often the ones he was trying to fix 🌱 Seems to have some ability that allows him to see alternate timelines. Very few people know about this, essentially just Dakota 🌱 Maxie is incredibly upset that the other versions of him in alternate timelines do not seem to have the same brain problems he has. He's the odd one out 🌱 He feels like there's something wrong with him - like a mental illness he can't compete with. Despite this, he refuses to go to counselling, mainly because he doesn't want his struggles to be common knowledge. The less people that know, the better 🌱 Bugs kind of freak him out, but grasshoppers are the worst offenders. He might be outright afraid of them, in fact 🌱 He wears an oversized black leather coat he's had for several years. It's his comfort item and will not respond kindly to having it taken away 🌱 He knows how to cuss and he will do so 🌱 He calls Dakota his brother despite the two of them not being related 🌱 Almost always scowling. Has a very angry resting face 🌱 When under high emotional stress, such as having a tantrum, he's either capable of teleporting or bursts of incredible speed - nobody's really sure which. All they know it it's really hard to keep him from smashing dishes when he's suddenly breaking mirrors in the bathroom 🌱 Maxie doesn't seem to have much understanding about his speed/teleportation ability. It happens when he's already an angry blur, so it isn't exactly in focus. Thus, he rarely can use it when he actually wants to 🌱 He isn't really expected to do school. If he behaves long enough to read A Textbook everybody accepts that as a miracle. He is many grade levels behind (but he doesn't care as long as nobody notices) 🌱
Songs: • Normal song ❤ Ship song Just vibes Song character would listen to
Extra: Dream character. He might have OCD, but I'm not really sure if his symptoms line up? It might be fantasy-OCD. Or like. Something else, idk

  • Dakota
  • Being hidden in small, secluded spaces
  • Some clutter (but not too much)
  • Large clothing
  • Lots of pockets

  • Rain
  • Adults
  • Photoshopped images
  • People who think they know everything
  • Himself


Dakota Malrov

Dakota is often referred to as Maxie's ~person~. The two of them are incredibly tight knit and trust each other more than most people. Dakota seems to be the only person Maxie is willing to show vulnerability or affection towards. Maxie very heavily depends on him as such - he's his only comfort in this hellhole of a dimension. They behave like brothers despite not being related


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics


html: Hukiolukio