❤ Gopi & George ❤



3 years, 5 months ago


Gopi Youngman George Weasley

Gopi Youngman

NameGopi Youngman

Age11 - 20

GenderHe / They Transmasc


OccupationHogwarts Student


George Weasley

NameGeorge Weasley

Age11 - 20

GenderHe / Him


OccupationHogwarts Student



TypePlatonic & Romantic

LengthSince they were 11


MetHogwarts Express


ThemeN / A


George is Gopi's closest friend. They've  always been close ever since they met on the Hogwarts Express. George  Helps Gopi be more sociable without bringing them out of their comfort  zone. Gopi and George are almost inseparable. George is considered the  backseat disturber, and often disturbs and talks to Gopi at the back of  class. Gopi doesn't mind it, but the Professors sure do.

 George likes to cheer on the sidelines when Gopi and Fred  wrestle, usually cheering for the one that got the item taken away from  them. Occasionally George will take the item Fred and Gopi wrestle over  and run away with it just so they can chase after him.

Gopi and  George like to spend a lot of their free time at school in the Common  Room, often sharing a chair if the couch is taken. On the breaks they always spend time together, they like to get each other a gift during Christmas, and joke about how both of their sweaters from Molly both have a "G" on it, and sometimes they trade sweaters just for fun. When they got to Hogsmeade, they always go with Fred and Sage as well as a big group. And as much as George doesn't like that, Gopi always buys at least one piece of candy for him from Honeydukes.

Whatever setting  they're in, George always makes sure that Gopi is comfortable, and often  checks up on them. George brings the best out of Gopi, but also brings  out the loudest in Gopi, and sometimes gets them in trouble for how  talkative they are with each other. If one gets detention, you bet the  other will get it as well just so they can spend more time together.

George  and Gopi don't show a lot of PDA unless it counts as such when showing  affection in the common room, the most they do is hold hands when  walking down crowded hallways, and occasionally George will hug Gopi at  random times. No one really knew about their relationship until the Yule Ball, other than his family of course. Though during year 7, they started showing so much PDA it got annoying, and sometimes they'd even do it to be annoying, specifically to the teachers. Very cringe worthy, but they don't really care.


meeting and becoming close

Gopi and George met on the Hogwarts Express during their first year. Kids had informed them that there were another set of twins coming that year, and they wanted to meet them. Of course being the outgoing 11 year olds they were, they barged into their compartment and introduced themselves. Once they introduced themselves to each other, Fred and George noticed Gopis cat, in which they helped them brainstorm ideas for a name. Names they came up with was Dumbledore, Dubbers, Einstein, Joe, and Peewee, but agreed on Pistachio, which Fred suggested.

They all got sorted into Gryffindor and soon became best friends. Fred and George did their best teaching Gopi and Sage about the wizarding world and what to expect. They spend all of their time together, and they're like an inseparable group together. They all spend the holidays together at Hogwarts, and Fred and George liked to give Mollys present to Sage and Gopi themselves when they first found out that they would be receiving one.

Since the Weasleys lived near a lake, Sage and Gopis parents often let them go over to their house using Floo powder during the summer, and they spent most of their summers over at the Weasleys.


As they all got closer, they became more friendly with each other. They all became very affectionate with each other, but also Fred and George started pulling more pranks, though they let Gopi and Sage join in on their pranks if they want.

Even at this stage, They have no fear showing friendly platonic affection towards each other, they all enjoy sharing a couch in the common room together and studying or reading notes together, or sometimes they just talk to each other for hours, Fred and George like to hear about muggle things and Gopi likes to hear them talk about their childhood living in the wizarding community, sometimes they may or may not accidentally fall asleep on the common room couch. Sometimes Fred and George will invite Sage and Gopi to do wizarding things they did as a kid, and sometimes Sage and Gopi will show them muggle things they did as a kid.

Gopi and George like to see who can scare the other the most, all in good fun. They often sneak up from behind, or sometimes they'll wait at a door and jump out when they open it, or create loud noises that spook them. Gopi thinks its funny when they scare George so bad he screams. They keep a tally on who's scared the other more.

Fred and George being the people they are, they can be annoying sometimes, but they always mean good fun. Gopi and George bonded by both being the younger twin, and also being somewhat a middle child in a big family that grew up poor. Even though Gopi didn't open up about his familys actions for a few years, George always just took the hint that there was probably a reason on why Gopi didn't like his family that much.

Since Sage and Gopi were so introverted, Fred and George helped them socialize in a way they were comfortable with. Fred and George introduced them to a few of their friends, one being their friend Lee Jordan. Gopi didn't like parties much either, but George still always asks in case Gopi feels like going, and when he does go he usually just follows Fred and George around, but they don't mind. Gopi will always go to events at the Burrow though.

Fred and George are like over protective siblings, they often stand in front of Sage and Gopi to hide them if needed and always stand up for them, since sometimes they aren't verbal enough to do it themselves, or they don't really care about it. Sometimes Fred and George get more upset over something than Sage and Gopi themselves.

If one of them gets detention, they all try to get detention as well just so they can all be annoying during detention. As they say, no friend goes to detention alone.


George and  Gopi got together the summer before Year 6 (book / movie 4),  Fred and  George invited Sage and Gopi to switch things around and have  Gopi spend  the night at The Burrow with George and the rest of the  Weasleys, while  Fred went to The Youngmans house with Sage and the rest  of the family.  during that night, George confessed his feelings to  Gopi, and they  started dating soon after. This was a few weeks before  the Quidditch  World Cup.

Even when dating, they're still each others best friend, and they still act the same with each other but maybe with some added, more intimate displays of affection such as occasional kisses and closer cuddling. George  and Gopi don't show a lot of PDA unless it counts as such when  showing  affection in the common room, the most they do is hold hands  when  walking down crowded hallways, and occasionally George will hug  Gopi at  random times.

In year 6, they went to the Yule Ball together as each others date, and that was how most students found out they were dating, though they don't talk about it or show it off often, not until Year 7 at least.

Even though George and Fred dropped out, Gopi still stayed in school and finished up his last year at Hogwarts, but whenever He got the free time, he'd visit them. Once they opened up their shop, Gopi helped them get started and run it for a bit, and for awhile they all just lived in the attic / storage room area of the shop until they all earned enough money to get their own houses. Once George got his own house, him and Gopi moved in together.









  • Treehouse - Alex G
  • Ribs - Lorde
  • Turning Page - Sleeping at Last
  • Always Forever - Cults
  • Pretty Boy - The Neighborhood 


  • They like to get each other matching things, such as bracelets and such. 
  • Literally just a Friends to Lovers trope.
  • They never really disagree on things, other than really crazy pranks that could be dangerous.