Max Lucat



3 years, 5 months ago


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NAME Max Lucat

ALIAS The Strength/The Sun


RACE Cabbit Toon

AGE Depends

BIRTHDAY June 11th






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ORIGIN Oswald the lucky rabbit



DESIGNER GearedupTom

OWNER GearedupTom



Max Lucat is a very kind and Caring toon who looks out for him and his siblings. He's the health nut of the family and is insanly strong, but wants to get stronger.

Max is the second eldest of the 420 kids, and due to the incident when they were younger, began to start working out and trying to get stronger, since he feels he'd failed saving his sister before.

While being a sweet heart, Max has a lot of struggles that he keeps to himself most of the time. From Feeling helpless as a child, Max is choosing to overcome his issue's through training his body and mind to defend those he loves.


Understanding • Health Nut • Confidant

Max is a very caring and sweet guy, who takes health and saftey seriously, but makes it fun enough to keep his siblings entertained and ready for whatever may come in the future.

Yet Max tends to be more mature, he thrives to make others smile and he loves to help his siblings if they need a talk or want something to be achieved. He is very goal oriented and he won't stand for mistreatment of any kind.



Thin Clothing

Playing Dress up


Heealthy food


Expensive meat






  • Max is instanly strong. He can pick up 20 times his weight.
  • Max leans more towards Vegitarian foods but eat's meat to keep a healthy diet ^^.
  • Max tends to be very open and caring towards everyone.


  • Max has a Bunny tail
  • Max is often in gym wear or thin clothing since he overheat's easily
  • Max loves any color, but can lean towards Red like his Uncle Mickey.
  • Max is usually always smiling or lifting something heavy when drawn


Max's story is more mundane compared to his siblings, but he is very open and he wants the best for his family and he strives to give them an easy life.


Like Brooke, Max had to mature pretty quickly. So Max takes on most of the heavy lifting when it comes to keeping the family on a steady path. Often keeping things in check when he can.

However this has stripped away some of the magic's of childhood that most of the younger siblings have gotten to enjoy, but Max see's this more as a blessing, since he wouldn't be caught up on the small details of life outside of preserving it for his siblings.

Max has also tried to give Brooke some Childhood magic back, but it became obvious to them both that they were both going to hold the family up together or not at all.


Highschool for Max was pretty nice and relaxing since he found friends who were tied up in similar situations to him and could lend him some advice and maybe a hand once in a while. Once their parents had the devorce, however, things got a little more tricky.

Max chose to stay with Brooke and Oswald however once they realized Ortensia's family would be stepping in to aid her. So they felt that where they were needed most was with Oswald. Especially since their Father hadn't really been keeping up with the family like he should and he was just starting to get help with therapy.

Max did find Oswald's attempts to take up the mantle instead of them honorable and he understood why Oswald felt the way he did. He felt seen and it made him happy their father actually cared, he just knew that it was something Oswald would have to grow into instead of picking up all at once.

So Max helped him learn how to manage things for the family and agreed to the promise as long as Oswald wouldn't wear himself down like he did again.


Max does stick with the family much like Brooke does, but he also allows himself to run after his own passion's to help others become stronger and healthier to support the people in their lives much like he sought to do in his own.

He even helped make a communal program for wayward or broken families, where kids could feel safe and adults could try and get themselves some aid much like his dad did.



Brooke L. Twin Sister

Max loves Brooke and would never ask for anyone better to be his twin. However, Max often feels small next to his sister, not physically obviously, but she has a very big presence in his life and he has seen her darkness, but she always finds a way around any issue that is set in front of her and it makes him feel a little envious of her.


Trix L. Middle Sibling

Max and Trix struggle a little to communicate, but they try their best to meet each other in the middle. Max is more of a verbal and outgoing person and Brooke often handles the quieter kids much better than himself, but he tries man.


Charles L. Younger Brother

He loves the little stinker, but he wishes he wouldn't be so reckless or stubourn. He's proud of him none the less though.


Jay L. Adopted Sister

Max loves her to death and is always proud of her for chasing her dreams to dance. Jay has always been strong willed and Max dare never doubt her. For she can overcome anything as he would say.


Shy L. Adopted Sister

Violence was something Shy had become accustomed too in her old home and she struggled to express herself properly, so Max often had to step in if she got too rough or rowdy, aiming her frustration not at people but a punching bag. He'd talk her through her complex feelings and teach her better techniques to make the bad feelings go away for a little bit. Like breathing or watching something. Eventually he helped her open up which helped her talk to Honey in the first place.


May L. Step-Sister

May is a very inteligent girl who strives to help settle into the family that their fathers connected and even proves that her languadge barrier isn't an obstical but a unique past time for the little ones.


Echo Ketling May's GF

Echo is a very strong and possitive person who loves his step-sister and is not afraid to share it or even go above and beyond for her. So when she comes to him to train herself to carry May better and not harm her, he became very fond. After all she sought help for her insecurities instead of fighting the battle on her own. He's proud to call her his sister even though they're not related.


Bug Dottle Charles Friend

He's Nice and Max believe's he'll do great things. He's just a bit odd to him much like how Charles can be, but Bug has proven that he can be pretty reliable.


Honey Ridgeson Shy's GF

Max is a bit concerned about Honey and Shy getting a bit to excitable and encouraging eachother to do some dumb things, but he's happy to know Honey is able to look after his youngest sibling and loves her unconditionally <3


Basil and Grayson Cousin's

Max enjoy's Basil's company since she's just as passionate as himself when it comes to family and adventure, but he get's winded watching Grayson and Basil bounce off each other like a circut that feeds itself. The two honestly impress him.

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