Trix Lucat



3 years, 4 months ago



Trix Lucat

the bleeding heart


Name Trix
Pronouns He/Him/They/Them
Species Cabbit Toon
Gender Male
Age Depends
Orientation Gay
Occupation Machanic/Inventor
Designer Geareduptom
Even when darkness clouds the skies, we still have something left to wish for.
Tarot The Knight of Cups
Zodiac Gemini
Alignment co
Class content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • code
  • English
  • Sign


  • Etiam ut dolor auctor mi posuere ultrices.
  • Etiam ut dolor auctor mi posuere ultrices.
  • Etiam ut dolor auctor mi posuere ultrices.
  • Etiam ut dolor auctor mi posuere ultrices.
  • Etiam ut dolor auctor mi posuere ultrices.
  • Etiam ut dolor auctor mi posuere ultrices.
Quiet Smart Lost Uncertain Lost sense of value

Design Notes

Right Eye Blue
Left Eye Brown
  • Trix prefers headphones due to his lack of cheek fluff.
  • He tends to wear a lot of clothess that keep him covered.
  • He is one of the few siblings who looks like a full fledged cat, but his lack of cat fangs give him away.
  • Trix is often playing games or putting together something/Fixing things around the home.

Etiam ut dolor auctor mi posuere ultrices. Quisque sed ligula justo. Aliquam venenatis odio at scelerisque tincidunt. Proin ultrices dapibus porta. Curabitur augue leo, pulvinar et enim et, interdum tempus ante.

Donec vulputate egestas metus non pellentesque. Morbi tincidunt urna ante, a eleifend urna pulvinar a. Proin eget imperdiet sem. Duis at fermentum purus, sed pulvinar elit. Vestibulum lobortis mauris sit amet tellus convallis, in luctus magna suscipit. Vivamus lobortis finibus eros, nec venenatis nisl aliquet in.




  • Machines
  • Extreme Cat Ninja Fighter Yellow
  • Games
  • Code
  • Tea, he prefers Coffee
  • Cranberries
  • Fighting
  • Crowded rooms


Good Luck Babe - Chappell Roan
Some lyrics here...
Fly me to the moon city pop - Caitlin Myers
In other words... Please be true...
Everything at Once - Mothica
I can't cry... I'm too Anxious, Restless Mind...
Song Title - Artist
Some lyrics here...
Song Title - Artist
Some lyrics here...
Song Title - Artist
Some lyrics here...
Strength 100
Defense 100
Constitution 100
Intellect 100
Wisdom 100
Charisma 100



Weapon Machine's
Range Depends
Machine Smart

Trix is exretmly crafty and can take apart or build any machine he put's his mind to. This gives him insight on how things function.


Trix while introverted and self reliant, often can see where people come from and can eaily see other people's point's of view. However he can be a bit to Empathetic and get hurt in the process. Which was the case for his first few Boyfriends.

Pro Gamer

Weather it's a board game, a Machine at the arcade or a controller based system, Trix can learn them all quickly and effectivly win them. He's the one that any of the siblings can count on to win them a prize and just like Max his has a lot of stamina which means excersize doesn't bother him. ^^


Summary Trix much like his siblings has been through quiet a lot growing up. While he doesn't have as much responsability he wanted to help and using his gift's proved to be just the trick. He loves to fix things and will take turns with his siblings to watch the younger siblings. He was also one of the few kids Ortensia thought would be coming with her since Trix and her were very close, but he stayed for the same Reason Brooke and Max did.

While Oswald was also Technically advanced and Smart, he wasn't too aware of the goings on with their siblings. Plus Trick knew that Ortensia's family was more than capable of helping her in the gray area's. So he chose to stay and let one of the younger kids go with her instead. It broke her heart how much responsability fell on her kids shoulders, but there wasn't much she could do by that point.


Much like Brooke and Max, Trix had to help keep the family going by either accepting odd jobs or by taking aniciative on certain things.


Etiam ut dolor auctor mi posuere ultrices. Quisque sed ligula justo. Aliquam venenatis odio at scelerisque tincidunt. Proin ultrices dapibus porta. Curabitur augue leo, pulvinar et enim et, interdum tempus ante. Donec vulputate egestas metus non pellentesque. Morbi tincidunt urna ante, a eleifend urna pulvinar a. Proin eget imperdiet sem. Duis at fermentum purus, sed pulvinar elit. Vestibulum lobortis mauris sit amet tellus convallis, in luctus magna suscipit. Vivamus lobortis finibus eros, nec venenatis nisl aliquet in.


Etiam ut dolor auctor mi posuere ultrices. Quisque sed ligula justo. Aliquam venenatis odio at scelerisque tincidunt. Proin ultrices dapibus porta. Curabitur augue leo, pulvinar et enim et, interdum tempus ante. Donec vulputate egestas metus non pellentesque. Morbi tincidunt urna ante, a eleifend urna pulvinar a. Proin eget imperdiet sem. Duis at fermentum purus, sed pulvinar elit. Vestibulum lobortis mauris sit amet tellus convallis, in luctus magna suscipit. Vivamus lobortis finibus eros, nec venenatis nisl aliquet in.
