Skyline (Sky)



3 years, 8 months ago




This page is WIP!
Name Skyline
Gender Female (She/her)
Species Zeraora
Age Adult
Ability Volt Absorb
Type: Water/Electric
Nature Rash
Occupation Rocket recruit
Residence Rocket Hideout
Design Notes
  • Usually wears her necklace, but any other accessories are optional to draw.
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Athletic: Thanks to all the training she has received she is physically strong and agile..

Energetic: She loves to stretch her legs and being active. She is usually a living ball of energy from the moment she wakes up in the morning until she falls asleep. No coffee or energy drinks required!.

Clever: She is quite creative and good at coming up with improvised solutions when facing a problem. Of course most of these ideas are of the "just crazy enough to work" variety.

Greedy: She isn't used to having a lot, so once something belongs to her, nobody else may touch it. And she will make sure she gets at least her share of the loot after a heist.

Rebellious: She was raised for years to blindly obey every order she was given. Now she likes to cause trouble just because she can. She is particularly fond of spraying graffiti on various buildings and monuments.

Paranoid: She has a hard time trusting others. Because of this she prefers to work alone rather than in a larger group. She usually have her guard up around other Pokemon unless she has known them for quite some time.

-She also has very little patience for other recruits who acts like they are "better" than her and/or talks badly to her face (especially those of the same rank or lower). And is not afraid of snapping back at them.

  • Her signature move is Plasma Fists.
  • She has 2 children: Allister and Zephyrine
  • When stressed, she sometimes uses Rain Dance so she can listen to the relaxing sound of rain.
  • She also loves thunderstorms.
  • TBA
Plasma Fists
The user attacks with electrically charged fists. This move changes Normal-type moves to Electric-type moves.
Rain Dance
The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves. It lowers the power of Fire-type moves.
A strong electric blast crashes down on the target. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Water Pulse:
The user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water. This may also confuse the target.

Skyline was born in the wild as a normal Zeraora in the Vast Poni Canyon (Alola region). But she didn't get to spend much time in her home region. Word soon spread about this mythical pokemon living on Poni Island. It also reached the ears of a skilled Pokémon poacher, who soon traveled to the canyon to capture this rare pokemon and sell it for profit.

Skyline were still young and inexperienced, so when the poacher came she was quickly captured and put in a cage. Skyline had heard of Pokemon trainers before, and how many pokemon would spend their days working alongside humans. But is this how normal Pokemon trainers treats their pokemon?

After what felt like forever she was transported to the Hoenn region and sold to Team Aqua on the black market. This particular branch of Team Aqua had been researching how to add the water typing to any Pokemon. That way more Pokemon species would survive after they had used kyogre to flood the world. But Team Aqua also seemed interested in adding the water type to different Pokemon so they would be more useful in their army.

Team Aqua used this technology to add the water typing to Skyline too, and it worked. Some changes were cosmetic, like her yellow fur turning different shades of blue. But it also gave her the ability to learn many different water type moves. Skyline didn't trust these guys at all, and tried to escape several times. Only for her to be beaten down and put in a more secure cage each time. She soon realised she couldn't escape by force. Any suffering she caused them would be inflicted back tenfold. Fearing for her own life, she pretended to be obedient. And started following Team Aqua's every order while secretly plotting her escape.

After a few years or so of this, she slowly gained Team Aqua's full trust. They even gave Skyline a Damp Rock, the first item she had ever owned. While she appreciated the gift, she knew it was only given to her to make her more useful in battle. She had it attached to a necklace so she wouldn't accidentally drop it. She also got a blue bracelet. It doesn't serve any purpose, but it matches her necklace so she likes to wear it.

While Team Aqua were happy with their type-changing technology, they wanted to take the next step and create Pokemon fusions. They had heard of this Team Rocket branch in Sinnoh where many Pokemon fusions resided. And decided they wanted to infiltrate their base so they could learn their secrets. So they sent Skyline alone to Sinnoh, as a larger group would raise suspicion. The Hideout welcomed the new mythical Pokemon into their ranks with open arms. Skyline didn't see the opportunity at first, thinking Team Rocket would be just as bad. But this place were run by only Pokemon, and they weren't treating her as just a weapon. She decided to stay. Not only because she had nowhere else to go, but she figured the Hideout could also provide some protection if her old "friends" ever came looking for her. She is really paranoid anyone will figure out she was originally sent as a spy, and keeps her past a secret.


WIP I need to put something here later.


"My friend Pepper. I think she is cool. It's also nice to have someone I can gossip with and help me raise the kids."