


3 years, 4 months ago




Name: Owyn

Alias: ?

Age: Looks to be in his 40's??

Species: Adentalis

Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: ?

Occupation: Mammon's worker(?)

"Oh really? Is that so?"

For the most of his life, he has lived secluded with very little contact with other being, in what they call "The Darkscape". The Darkscape is a dangerous place, which uncaracteristically enough is full of unholy creatures, beings that are usually not roaming in such quantities in that realm. Surrounded by heavy dark woods and a large, ancient wall, the Darkscape is a place for powerful and dangerous unholy beasts, yet one of the most feared creatues is the strangely humanoid beast; The Adentalis.

Owyn has lived in the Darkscape for many years and so his skills of socializing is limited. It has not been helped by the fact that when he finally left, he was met with nothing but fear and distrust. People in the surrounding areas knew better, than to trust a being with the iconic looks of a usually feral monster.

However fate would have it that Owyn's luck would turn. Despite being treated nothing short of terrible, Owyn's patience and kindness towards others stayed - Traits he would fittingly need for when he met Mammon. Starved and unable to do much, Owyn was nursed back to health by Mammon and his Secretary, Talia. Being the first kind people Owyn had met, Owyn quickly took a liking to the two of them and grew particularly close with Mammon who is very expressive and vocal about his indifference about Owyn's looks. Never had the man taken in so much new information about the world around him, now that he had people to actually teach him.

Mammon, being the reckless, impulsive and emotional man that he is, soon caught feelings for Owyn and Owyn, being the unexperienced softie that he is, jumped head first into a relationship with his boss.

Important to know for anyone who wants to draw them:

Blood color: Transucent


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Despite the naturally resting grin, the older and more experienced appearance of Owyn, he isn't very well versed on the world around him. He is by no means immature or childish, just rather confused. While he always does his best to be polite and well-mannered, he isn't entirely sure what that means. Owyn is very considerate of others, calm, and easy to interact with, even if he looks intimidating to a lot of people. Due to his naturally aggressive and territorial species, he is very self-concious and does his best to not give after any anger or irritation that he may feel. Because of such, he often appears very hard to bother.

Physical Abilities

  • Very light, moves ridiculously fast
  • Teeth are one of the hardest materials in my world. They can break through and shape just about anything
  • With an odd anatomy, that only few have every had their eyes on, Owyn doesn't need to breathe

Magical Abilities

  • Can make crystals?? Like he can,, break down and shapeshift crystals, if he has eaten them
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  • Gems
  • Colors, especially blues and turqoises
  • Sunrises/Sunsets/Stargazing


  • Weapons (mostly blades, such as swords, knives and so on)
  • Uncertain footing (in particular earthquakes, but also just whenever Owyn feels like whatever he is standing on is sound and sturdy)
  • Thunder


  • Owyn doens't eat normal food. While he'd drinks beverages, he only eats minerals and gemstones
  • Owyn is actually quite insecure about the traits that makes him "inhuman" like his lack of eyes, of breath, of heartbeat and his cold skin
  • Owyn's hair is not flammable

Significant Relationships


Neither of these idiots knows what they are doing. Mammon is emotional and quickly latches on to anyone who can seemingly stand him and Owyn has a zest for life and trying out new things. Seeming that Mammon is the first person to help him and treat him nicely, Owyn is very attached to him and wants to be there for him. With the elegance and grace of an elephant, they are fumbling around, trying to figure out how this all is going ot work out. And somehow it does. They are both very well-meaning kind and sweet people, so their relationship naturally reflects that. They may bea couple of idiots, but thye are a couple of lovestruck, cute and soft idiots!









html by Goldbeauti