


3 years, 3 months ago


Christine Reyer

19 . female . student

Tina wonders if she should put her neverending energy to good use.

The Sporty One

Species Gresian
Current Location Gresia
Status Alive, active

  • When she was younger she danced ballet, now she likes other style of dancing more.
  • She's scared of the dark, so sleeps with the night light on.
  • She's very active; not only does she dance and go to the gym, she also swims and plays squash.
  • As the name implies, she's Jake Reyer's little sister.


Tina is about everything else except school. She knows she probably should study to get a proper job, but she knows she is very bad at reading and - well - studying. So after finishing her schools so-so, she realized that happiness comes in many forms and went to work abroad. She did anything she could but being a very active person, she usually worked as a dance teacher or something like that. However, after a couple of years she came back to Gresia, since she missed her family and friends, and now she has to figure out what is going to happen next.

Though it doesn’t worry her like it used to. Now she knows things usually work out if one has an open mind and some healthy curiosity. At the moment she lives back home, helping her oldest sister with her home renovation project.


Christine is an active and cheerful person who walks through everyday life daydreaming and planning new adventures. She gets bored easily and always needs something to do which sometimes makes her do things before thinking them through. However, she is excellent at dealing with the trouble she ends up in and always seems to get at least some valuable lessons out of it.

Tina’s attention is fickle and her love fleeting - she lives so deeply in the moment she easily leaves things and people behind. She knows this but thinks she’ll settle down at some point, maybe when she’s old and boring.