An Honest Mistake, 'Hope'




An Honest Mistake, "Hope"

"This is a quote"


#2A2623 #4F4B4B #F4F0F0 #620015
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Hope was actually born blind and we're quite unsure as to why; genetic testing came up clear and she's had no other health problems thus far. For that we are lucky, and extremely grateful. Hope has some problems: she can be spooked very easily if you don't make yourself known before touching her, the best way to do this is speak very softly whilst approaching her. Her ears perk up and she will trot over towards where she thinks you are, though sometimes she gets this very wrong. Though, for the most part, she has coped brilliantly! I believe we have our little Ferox Pony Nero to thank for that. They have been absolutely inseperable ever since they were introduced to one another. An odd little couple for sure but it works, There is no doubt that Nero has greatly improved Hope's quality of life.


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