The Star Kid



3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Astra Monštrum


The Star Kid







Aesthetic Inspiration

Eldritch Horror

Region of Origin

Europe (Hungary)


A thrall of Bellfire, the goddess of Europe.

Bellfire is likely the most knowledgeable of the Godkind, having had a small inkling of the idea of a thrall long before any of the other gods realized humans could be influenced like that. She sought to experiment with this concept, and her first subject was a child. Having previously slaughtered a large Hungarian city with her horde, she had plenty of children to choose from. She chose a young boy with no name and took him back to her lair. She gave him the name Astra Monštrum, taking his first name from Greek and his surname from Slovak.

Having no actual interest in raising a child, Bellfire left him in the care of various servants that were forced to live in her residence after she abducted them. She did interact daily with him if only to indoctrinate him into sharing her lust for violence and mayhem. Outside of that, he only ever saw her at the dinner table or in passing as she left on another bloody crusade. It was enough, however, and Astra began to show signs of becoming a thrall.

It came to a head when all of Astra's caretakers suddenly went mad. They began crying about how he was a child of the stars meant to rule mankind on behalf of the true gods and began painting phrases like "savior" and "new age" on the walls in their own blood. Bellfire heard and came immediately. She held Astra in place and made him watch as his surrogate family endured a maddened frenzy of gore and ecstasy. 

Astra made a decision that day he had been sitting on for years. He would go off on his own, free from the grip of The Black Witch and her horrid power. He now wanders Europe, learning to control his powers along the way.