🌼Virtus Lonicera🐿️



3 years, 5 months ago


Virtus Lonicera


NAME Virtus Lonicera, "Loni" for short


AGE 100, maturity of about 15 years old

RACE/SPECIES Angel, takes the form of a Colugo/Honeysuckle hybrid



A very young inexperienced angel of the virtue rank who is learning to get the hold of her abilities and duties.


  • Flowers
  • Flying, strong winds
  • Sunlight
  • Making people happy


  • Fire
  • Darkness
  • Stubborn people
  • Not having her miracles noticed


  • Her full name is her rank in latin (Virtus) and the genus name for honeysuckle (Lonicera).
  • Loni's birthday is July 15th.


  • Her paws have no pawpads.
  • She typically stands on two legs, but when excited she runs on all fours.
  • Please use the most recent design as seen in the reference sheet when drawing her.
  • She is 4 feet tall but is still growing. Her peak height when she is full grown will be 5 feet tall.


Loni is quite young for an angel and is inexperienced in many things. She knows her basic duties and tasks but has a lot to learn about mortals and their world, the other angel ranks, and demons. She's very cheery and peppy and loves to talk to others and make friends, even with entities she probably shouldn't. Because of her duty as a virtue angel she spends a lot of time giving people faith and hope, and she greatly enjoys it. Even though they often don't directly acknowledge her, she just loves seeing people light up with joy.


Rank and role

Virtue angels, like Virtus Lonicera, are angels that are below domination angels in rank. They don't have much power in heaven but specialize in helping humans. Virtue angels are tasked with inspiring hope and faith in humans in many different ways. Whether it be a small miracle in a time of need, or a stroke of good luck, they are supposed to give people strength mentally and spiritually. Virtue angels never interact with humans directly and are not visible to them, but their acts of kindness are.

Personal life

Loni is a very new angel and has typical duties that other Virtue angels have. She was assigned to Tara to be her student and learn more about the world from her. Loni, because she's young and hasn't honed her skills yet, can currently only perform very small miracles, such as instantly curing small illnesses like the flu. Tara mentors her in teaching her new skills, and while she's not good at focusing, she tries her best, because she wants to be the best virtue angel there ever was.


Dominatio Taraxacum Friend and teacher

Since Loni was created she's been taken care of by Tara, who acts as not only a teacher and authority figure but also a motherly figure. Tara is very protective of her and would do anything to protect her. Loni sometimes gets in trouble and Tara will do anything she can to help her, even if Loni gets scolded afterward. Loni loves Tara as one would love their mother, and sometimes relies on her a bit too much.