


3 years, 4 months ago




DepartmentUpper Central Command
AssignmentBlue Star
El Llanto de la Luna
All Around Helper
Clouded Monk
EquipmentE.G.O Weapon - Heaven
E.G.O Suit - Sound of a Star
E.G.O Gift - Grinder Mk4
E.G.O Gift - Amrita
E.G.O Gift - Regret
Level IQuiet Newbie
Level IIQuiet Employee
Level IIIQuiet Veteran
Level IVCalm Veteran
Level VCalm Hero

"I do not take kindly to seeing my work sabotaged the very next day without any report of a breach. Personally? I find it vexing. I get invited to a Wing for my "specialization" and then get treated like a joke in this place? I can't imagine what kind of tricks you pulled to become the Manager."
― Nyx

Nyx is an Employee and the Captain of the Upper Central Command Team under Tiphereth and focuses on Abnormality Containment Fortification projects. The player meets her on Day 17 after she has a brief meeting with Netzach and Safety Head Researcher Carrie about Breach Response Protocols and dealing with them in the aftermath. On Day 20 onwards, Nyx will be available for Deployment as the Captain of Upper Central Command.

Nyx is an individual of slightly above average height standing at 5'8. She has a slender frame, but she is notably toned. Her face is a rounded oval in shape, her eyes are pale, almost white blue, and her long nullet-like hair a vibrant medium purple.

Although Nyx is a Captain, her personal specialization focuses on engineering better technologies for the containment units in the facility. Due to the nature of her work, her assignments fall under both WAW and ALEPH classifications, with one specific HE due to her specialization. She works with Blue Star, Clouded Monk, El Llanto de la Luna, Dimensional Refraction Variant, All-Around Helper and due to the effects of J Corp's Singularity still affecting her, she has the mental capability to handle CENSORED.

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Nyx is a standoffish woman of few words when one first meets her. She exudes a more unapproachable aura, making her an intimidating figure for most employees. She is direct, sharp and curt, not really caring to be properly courteous unless it's called for. She doesn't beat around the bush and says things how they are, even if she can and will be insensitive. Although she is sharp, she has notably never snapped nor exploded. One could say that Nyx is particularly controlled for how sharp she is. Her ability to purposely lock away and repress her more fervid emotions is what has kept her in control for years. Nyx refuses to allow people to see her crack, and her harsh exterior serves as another layer of her defense mechanism.

She is very proud and dedicated to her work and takes offense to blatant disrespect of it, particularly that of purposely sabotaging her work. Being treated as a joke her whole life, this is a particularly sore point for her. She doesn't verbally demand respect, but her actions and attitude basically yell it out. She works hard and efficiently, and if anyone had a problem with that, she'd wave them off. She is still sore over how others actively wanted to see her fail, and this becomes a driving force for her to always improve and stay above others. She gives due respect to those who respect her, and to such people, is willing to be cordial in return.

Due to her background, she is incredibly untrusting of others and only relies on herself. It's not a point of pride, but a force of habit on her end. She looks out after herself, and lives in the paranoia that others just simply want to see her suffer for entertainment. While she has accepted that this is part of the City, she despises it, and as a result, shoves people away. She is wary of those who show kindness to her, believing them to want to manipulate her. However; after working in close coordination with her co-Captain in Central Command, Morris, she has learned to let her guard down around the other Captains and Senior Employees. While not on a personal level with most, Nyx is learning to place her trust in others; albeit very slowly and cautiously. To other Employees, she doesn't particularly look down on them nor lack any trust in their abilities, but she very much leaves them to their devices unless she has to step up as leader, or if they approach her when they need to.

Survival is of the utmost importance to Nyx. While not manipulative, Nyx doesn't care much if she is an indirect cause for someone getting harmed or killed as long as she lives. She is; however, aware that this outlook and trait of hers had gotten her into trouble and refuses to take her chances again, forcing her to begrudingly consider the safety of others even if she can't care less about it. She; however, is begrudingly unlearning this after understanding the importance of manpower in Lobotomy Corporation. By extension of this unlearning, she has come to understand and value others lives aside her own, even if just as resources for the Corporation.



Nicoletta "Nyx" Corsini was born in the Backstreets of District 22, right near the border between the Nest and the Backstreets. Her parents ran a well-to-do Workshop that focused on engineering affordable utilities and home appliances for the more well-off of the Backstreets. For the standards of Backstreets residents, the Corsini family were considered wealthy, but always remained frugal and outwardly lived simpler lives. From an early age, Nyx was homeschooled by her parents, who did not risk sending her to a normal school until she was ten years old. As a child, Nyx showed that she had much potential, but her family wouldn't tap into that in favor of safety above all else.

Having potential did not matter if one died even before tapping into it. Nyx lived in a dangerous neighborhood due to the fact that she and her family lived just by the fringes of the infamous District 23. Often, dangers would seep into the residential area, and sometimes passers by or even their neighbors would be attacked, killed or disappeared entirely only to turn up as chunks of flesh later. On top of everything, Nyx had to learn to fight for her life. With reality hitting her at such a young age, Nyx loathed her life. She would hear about the comforts of the Nest and how nobody really had to fight for their lives, and the many privileges she would later learn were actually basic rights that she should have had. It became a lifelong goal for her to be able to afford Nest Migration Tickets for her family.

In school, Nyx's potential really shone through, as she was consistently at the top of her class; much to the annoyance and envy of her peers who thought she was crazy to try and dream of even affording Nest Migration Tickets when she was older. On top of being some form of outcast in school, Nyx had to face the increasing dangers in the streets of District 22, eventually learning to fight and defend herself. While not everyday was a bloodbath, Nyx held on to the hope of comfort.

Eventually, it would be as if Nyx's dreams were coming true. The Nest people were often fond of building up their reputation with 'goodwill' and 'philantrophy', but even if such acts were not entirely genuine, Nyx did not care about that, and took the leap of faith into buying into their act if it meant she could access the Nest and work her way from there. A private school in the Nest offered full ride scholarships to the top two students of select schools in the Backstreets in their 'philantrophy', and Nyx was one of the two from her school to be chosen. Even if it was dangerous, even if her parents doubted, it would be better than dreading every day.

Nyx knew that Nest promises were lies, but she still had hope. Initially, things sailed smoothly with living spaces, miscellaneous payments, and promised scholarship allowance provided by the school. Nyx would spend her high school years up to graduating university in the Nest. She thought she was prepared for anything and everything, only to be met with unrealistic expectations for a scholarship maintaining grade and immediate ostracization in her new environment merely because she was from the Backstreets. Her peers, even the school staff, all bet on her failure and even expected her to crumple under all the pressure and to take her own life, seeing her suffering as entertainment. However, Nyx persevered out of spite, her shining above all the others with her achievements and success proving them wrong. What was sickening to her was the attitude given to her after her successes, being told that 'others just wanted to see how she could adjust to Nest life' or 'they were rooting for her this whole time, and thingds really are just hard.' Nyx knew more than anyone that these were all lies, and began to resent the people who surrounded her. However, she could do nothing but take their lies in silence if she wanted to keep her place in the Nest and reach her dreams.

Her hope diminished when upon graduating as her school's valedictorian, she truly came too see how her suffering was just entertainment for the Nest people, and when she proved stronger than they anticipated, they treat her like she was a well-trained dog. No matter what she did, she was treated as lesser for her social status, and being blasted as an 'underdog' made her sick to the stomach. It did not get better even after she managed a full ride to University where she majored in Mechanical Engineering. There, people were active in wanting to see her fail and crumble, and through all those years, Nyx merely stayed quiet and let her spite drive her. She would work herself tirelessly to claw her way to the top, where her achievements and successes were once again recognized. Nyx graduated with honors, but at what cost. Merely because of her social class, people wanted to see her fall. She was always lesser, and she never really had anybody to call a friend. She suffered alone and in silence, surprised that she hadn't snapped and killed people from all her pent up rage. Yet, she could not deny that in all her year in the Nest, it truly was a much safer place than the Backstreets. There were some comforts to be had, but it was always the people that were rotten.

At last, her dream of bringing her family to a safe life seemed closer than ever. Nyx was invited to J Corporation: one of the renowned Wings of the World, to work as an Engineer and Agent in their main branch. Nyx's peers would shower her with praise and congratulations, but she trusted none of them, and simply ignored them when she left to work in J Corp. As a worker in a Wing, Nyx's peers would often come to her to ask for favors or even money. Nyx; however, spared them no sympathy for how they actively made her life more difficult than it should have been, and now suck up to her because she far exceeded what they expected. She actively allowed many an individual to die, starve, suffer or disappear by merely ignoring their pleas and cries for help. It was only fair, because they left her to die when she needed help the most. Such people were not a problem to her, and continued to work in J Corp.

Nyx worked hard in J Corporation, ensuring that their products and services were up to standard. She familiarized herself with their 'locking' Singularity, and used it to her advantage to 'lock away' most of her emotions in favor of better performance. The cruel workplace that mostly had people go insane or even have some casualties here and there were a much more preferred environment for Nyx: because at least everybody is too occupied to make social class an issue. Nyx was not the most talented worker, but she was a good Agent, who got promoted fairly quickly. Even after all this time, she still didn't let go of her dreams, and even saved more than she should and barely leaving any for herself to afford Nest Migration Tickets for her parents. Even if she had to allow her coworkers to die, any raise in her check was better than nothing.

While she did manage to get her parents to live in the Nest and help them set up their workshop at long last, Nyx's activity at work called for her 'termination of contract', which, in the Wings, often meant death. Nyx, way too far in her short life to just give up and allow someone to dictate whether she gets to live or not, tried to find a way around her termination. As if her prayers were answered, she received a letter inviting her to Lobotomy Corporation, another of the Wings of the World. She saw this as her way out, and Nyx staged her disappearance like a suicide in order for her to be able to get to Lobotomy Corporation without much of a problem. She lied to her parents that she was simply allowed to switch Wings, but they bought into the lie, and Nyx was more than willing to lie more if it meant she could continue to provide for the comfortable life her family lived now. She still harbored much resentment for the City and its elite, but with the Singularity of J Corp, Nyx was able to lock away the hatred and rage for a long time before it begins to bubble up within her again.


Nyx started out in Lobotomy Corporation on a very high note. She showed exemplary results during her assessment, boasting a particularly high mental capabilities and being able to handle mentally straining Abnormalities. While the rest of her skills were also outstanding, her specialization made it difficult to place her in a department that suited her strengths. Being well rounded with machinery and technology in general, Nyx was bounced around Safety, Welfare and Central Command. Because her skillset was not specialized enough for Safety and Welfare, she was put in Central Command.

The leeway of research done in Central Command was good enough for Nyx, really. She picked up on the work regarding breaches, containment maintenance and Meltdowns. Upon interacting with enough containment units with the various work she did with different Abnormalities, she picked up on the wear and tear of the containment units, making it very easy for Abnormalities to breach. Witnessing deaths in a Wing isn't new. She experienced it herself. However; she was not taking her chances at another "termination of contract" because she simply allowed her co workers to die. So, she pitched a project to her Captain at the time to fortify the containment units. While it sounded preposterous to her Captain, the then still considerate Angela allowed her to test out her proposal to see if it worked. Nyx proved to be incredibly competent and her proposal greenlighted. Nyx worked on fortifying containment units and with her work, increased the Qliphoth Meltdown Countdown by double. Her project greatly contributed to the facility, and immediately she was celebrated by the employees for making their jobs easier. While this was genuine gratitude from others, Nyx simply put on a fake smile and thanked everyone, even though she doubted the praise she was getting.

Aside from her work in improving the working conditions of the facility, Nyx was also a particularly good agent in suppression work. She was known to be a fast worker in and out of suppression, minimizing casualties with how quick she could put down an Abnormality. She was not perfect; however, as she did not get along well with most of her coworkers, mostly keeping to herself and being suspicious of everyone around her. Despite the numerous mental checks to determine possible paranoia or any other ailment, it was odd seeing her Mental Corruption Levels read all normal. So, while her promotions were expected, not many were looking forward to the possibility that she was going to end up as a Captain because she was just outstanding in her work.

About a year into her work in Lobotomy Corporation, her Captain was killed after a breach, left insane and began murdering clerks and assaulting other employees. Nyx had no qualms in putting them out of their misery, not risking more casualties by waiting for help from employees who had weapons to restore sanity. While not many were happy with her decision, they accepted that what she did may have been the best decision. That day, half of Central Command were wiped out by that breach, and the subsequent rampage of the late Captain. For the next five months, Nyx was under the captaincy of Morris, the Captain of Lower Central Command. Morris reached out to Nyx to commend her for her boldness, but becoming paranoid of his gentle nature, Nyx shoved him off every chance she could. However; she could not really escape her new Captain because she worked directly under him and always reported to him. The constant exposure to his kind and gentle nature made her apprehensive of his abilities as Captain, and expected the man to die sooner or later. However; it was his kindness that got Nyx her position as Captain of Upper Central Command. It was through Morris' recommendation that Nyx's abilities make her a good candidate for captaincy. This notion was seconded by Ezra, Captain of the Diciplinary Team and the mentor of all Captains in the Facility. Ezra noted that Nyx, for all her social shortcomings, had the qualifications to become a Captain due to her outstanding performance. For a month, Nyx underwent training to become the new Captain of Upper Central Command.

Her position was disputed by many, which was expected. Yet, the clamor quieted down upon hearing that Nyx's promotion was recommended by none other than Morris, and was supported by Ezra. Both Captains were trusted by the majority of the employees, and most stopped questioning Nyx's prommotion and only hoped for the best. As Captain, Nyx was forced to take up a position of leadership, and work with her subordinates. While it was a rough start, Nyx and her subordinates came to a dynamic where they would not clash too often. To keep Nyx from being too snappish, her employees would be left to their own devices unless they really needed her input, while she can focus on her work as usual. This proved to be beneficial, as Nyx was able to naturally let others in slowly and learn to coordinate better with others. She grew into her authoritative position, and eventually took a shine to her new job. While still not an open person, one could see that Nyx is showing steady improvements in her character.

However; as a Captain, that meant Nyx had more power and leeway to further improve her projects, which began to stray from the script that Angela had to follow. To prevent a force reset to the Seed of Light scenario, Angela begrudingly sabotaged Nyx's work. While she knew it was going to further improve the conditions of the Facility, she couldn't allow it to happen. Nyx could not trace anything back to Angela, and began to grow infuriated with the purpose sabotage of her work. Eventually, her hold on the lock within her mind began to waver, and Nyx's fury began to seep through little by little.

Four and a half years later, with Nyx now genuinely close to Morris, went ballistic when he died to WhiteNight. She suffered a significant mental breakdown over the loss of the only real friend she's made in her life; and with her breakdown began to show uncanny signs of distorting. Her Mental Corruption Levels began to rise, and she became increasingly snappish. It was difficult to cope with this loss, the one good thing she truly had had been taken from her, and it was only a matter of time before she herself went on a full rampage.


  • Nyx is currently 31 years old and an employee for 6 years. She has been Captain for 4.5 years and her birthday is March 14.
  • The nickname "Nyx" was given to her by Morris, who politely asked her if he could refer to her with that nickname. She became attached to the name, loving how it sounded. She came up with the spelling herself.
  • One interesting thing to note is that Nyx is capable of "resonating" with Blue Star, and particularly, its EGO. She has the ability to unleash White Damage waves similar to the Abnormality itself, dealing White Damage to breaching Abnormalities and healing the sanity of Employees.
  • Nyx, in her freetime, actually likes to splurge money on mobile games. She doesn't really hide this, either, as she can be seen playing during lunch or during slow days. It's just that nobody really approached her about it.
  • As frugal as Nyx wants to be, she finds herself very happy with being able to afford luxuries she could only dream about before.
  • She's a very nocturnal being, and often works much better later in the day.
  • Nyx is also a very fast worker. She can do many tasks and finish them all quickly, often leaving herself with a lot of free time.
  • The person she talks to the most is Morris, because he's the only person she genuinely opened up to. His death actually drove her mental state into the ground, and was the catalyst that caused her to snap.
  • Nyx is noted to be particularly proficient in being able to fully utilize EGO, to the point that during the White Nights and Dark Days, the EGO she donned on seemed to have "evolved". The EGO's physical properties and abilities changed.
  • Nyx's ability to fully utilize EGO actually stems from her fierce drive and constantly heightened emotional state. This proves to be interesting to others because her Mental Corruption Levels have always been stable all throughout her career.
  • She is the type to be hyperaware of her rights as a person, and often uses this as a way to defend herself from anyone trying to cause any real harm to her, and as a justification of any unsavory actions she'll make against someone in retaliation.

Profile by Erandia
Edits by @RenJo