♟Black Pond♟



3 years, 8 months ago


♜Black Pond♜

Cosima was an orphaned child, raised alone by nuns. 
Stricken with a debilitating disease, Cosima was unable to walk and lived in constant pain, confined to what was essentially a deathbed. 
Despite the nuns' tireless efforts, Cosima's condition continued to worsen, and they were put to rest one final night.
In the midst of a blur, a voice called out to Cosima, beckoning them. 
Cosima, who had never walked before, miraculously found themself standing with ease and following the voice. It had led them to a mysterious black pond where unseen forces pulled them in, ultimately drowning and leading them to a place so indescribable. There, they encountered someone who looked just like them, though with a twisted, unfamiliar quality. This person explained that they were trapped and needed help to escape. Their powers were limited and with all their might they opened a portal for Cosima to enter and so they did. 

Upon entering, Cosima found themself in a new body—one that also bore their name. The memories of their previous life had faded, replaced by the new experiences and sensations of the body they now inhabited. The request from the individual prior was lost to them, forgotten amidst the shift in their reality. Not knowing anything about who they used to be, Cosima lives under this mendacious identity without actually realizing this person is not authentically them. They now live a life where they are a ringmaster at a religiously owned circus - Arioch Circus - and Cosima grows to adore it and its people. With their clumsy yet uplifting presence, the circus goes on as if nothing had ever transpired.

Unknowest to them, Father Arioch is unamused by it all.
♘Plot Points♘


The beginning of the story.

  Cosima is introduced as a terminally child that is fostered by nuns. Despite the physical discomfort they endured, they were said to be joyous and contented. They were frequently fatigued and could never stand up for very long because of their condition. With no friends or close family, they felt alone. That was until Cosima began hearing a voice speak to them late into the night. They had imagined it was a message from the angels above assuring them that their suffering would soon come to an end. One fateful night, the voice urged Cosima to follow it. Driven by a mixture of curiosity and desperation, they quietly slipped out of the convent and ventured into the dark, eerie woods. The voice guided them to a massive tunnel, leading them deep underground to a hidden cavern beneath the lithosphere. In the center of the cavern lay a still, black pond.

The voices grew louder, more insistent, pleading, "Save us."

With trembling hands, Cosima reached out to touch the water. In an instant, unseen forces seized them, pulling them into the depths of the Black Pond, their fate entwined with the mysteries lurking beneath the surface.

PLT. 2
 Their eyes open to find that they were in an oddly familiar room. Not out of surprise; rather, they were simply invigorated.
They regained consciousness, although inhabiting the body of another person. Instead of remembering their previous existence, they were now inundated with memories of the person whose body they are presently in - certain memories being blocked or clouded. However, they took on a much different personality and continued to build their story from there. 
Those at the circus are mortified by Cosima's change in personality when they had come to greet them.

From being scathing and spiteful to becoming optimistic and friendly, they were unable to fathom what was happening. 
Among the circus, they begin a rumor that Cosima is amnesic which explains their new demeanor. They are not aware that the two Cosima's bodies have been swapped.

PLT. 3 - 4

These two PLTs are primarily about the whereabouts and antics of Cosima. What they are doing; including interactions, performing shows at the circus, etcetera. It focuses on their (already) developing love for the circus and its performers. Particularly, they become close with Ambrosia, Puppet, and Marionette. Taking the three into account as their soulmates.

A shadowy figure in the form of themself had begun visiting Cosima at night. They explained to Cosima that they must escape from their body as they are imprisoned inside of it - encouraging them to kill themself in order to further their own good. Cosima wished to keep meeting this figure and continued to engage with them that spirals into their own twisted sense of madness. 

PLT. 5


PLT. 7


Agender | Abomination | Ageless | Ringmaster | Pansexual | They/Them
Religion: Arioch
Race: ?
Current Residence: Cirrane                
About Cosima is an optimistic ringmaster who keeps their shows running in tip-top shape! They are a clumsy little fellow who falls far more than they do tricks. They don't remember a thing regarding their past life and simply just adores the life they are living now. They alternate between directing circus performances, administering the theme park, and ensuring that visitors who attend the circus have a good time. They're there to enthrall the audience and create excitement, which leads to suspense and never-ending thrills.
They frequently exhibit psychosis, which entails hallucinations (perceiving or hearing things that are not there) and false beliefs (delusions). Many of these symptoms involve having visions of memories from their past life.

They currently live with Puppet and are close friends with Ambrosia and Marionette.  

 Cosima's Profile

Agender | Possessed Doll | Ageless | Circus Performer | Asexual | They/It
Religion: Arioch
Race: Doll
Current Residence: Cirrane        

AboutPuppet is a selectively mute doll that is possessed by the spirit of a young child named Clair De Lune. (wip)

Puppet's profile

Male | Doll | Ageless | Circus Performer | Asexual | He/They/It
Religion: Arioch
Race: Doll
Current Residence: Cirrane 

A poignant soul imprisoned in a doll's body.
Strings control every aspect of their internal workings. There is no spirit inside them, they were merely a child who had been gorged and mutualized into a marionette. He no longer feels pain and merely carries out whatever he is told to do. He appears to be rather close to Puppet, the two share an unfathomable pact.

Marionette is eccentric and unconventional. He is an odd person to interact with; one's encounters with him are unsettling and awkward; some could even describe him as abnormal. He wanders around having brief, meaningless, abstract discussions with himself. But despite the fact that these discussions don't have any personal significance, they make logical sense to him.

He has an odd obsession with horns and fangs. Marionette amasses a vast assortment of them from several types of deceased animals, as well as people. 

Marionette's profile

Male | Dreameater | 22 | Circus Performer | Demi-Gay | He/Him
Religion: Pagan
Race: Varcian
Current Residence: Grand Merideth

Ambrosia is introduced as a mysterious dreameater. Not much or anything is known about him in regard to the circus, his fellow performers can't ever re-call seeing him get accepted into the circus. He just kind of showed up one day. A majority of his circus acts involve tarot and dream reading, along with future predictions and magic. Due to his nasty habit of lying he tends to troll his audience by giving them bad tarot reads or false predictions. He’ll also recite their dreams as a baleful thing when it's really not. He is great friends with Cosima and (Original) Cosima, and immediately could tell a difference between them when their souls were swapped. 

Ambrosia is a pathological liar; he holds the urge to lie about matters big and small, regardless of the situation. Even amongst the most minor of things he will fib and lie through his teeth. Because of this, it's nearly impossible to tell what he speaks is true or false.

He is the only individual at Arioch Circus who does not follow the Arioch faith; he is Pagan. However, this is kept a secret to avoid conflict.

Ambrosia's Profile

Male | Vampire | 23 | Classified | Demi-Gay | He/Him
Religion: None.
Race: Lumorian
Current Residence: Grand Merideth
AboutVincent is notably a very withdrawn man. He is private in regards to his personal life, keeping to himself and never sharing his whereabouts or thoughts. His appearance alone is intimidating and the vast malicious comments that seep from his fangs only encourages further fright. He will not give input when he is not asked to and will certainly not answer questions linked to his occupation. That is considered classified.

His father, Venedikt, was a devoted worshiper of Father and the Arioch religion. Until he went completely mad and thralled against it. He proclaimed himself to be a God and that his son, Vincent, would become his messenger. He caught Father's attention because of this claim and decided to get rid of Venedikt for going against him. He was killed, leading to Vincent's escape.

Father is actively searching for Vincent despite the incident being nearly seven years ago. Rather than kill him, he plans to use Vincent to carry out his plan of Apocalypticism for the end of days. 
Vincent is one of the very few in the world born with umbrakinesis.

Vincent's profile

Male | Vampire | 23 | Swindler | Bisexual | He/Him
Religion: Arioch
Race: Lumorian
Current Residence: Cirrane
AboutScarlet is a promiscuous little minx who flirts with anyone who dares to even look his way. Don't make eye contact with him unless you wish to become the next target who dangles from his rosy fingertips. He's a thief and a swindler at heart, he uses deception to deprive people of their money or possessions; most likely through the wits of his charm. He's a bit of a bimbo but smart when he needs to be. Scarlet is always causing trouble at the circus with his obnoxious swindles and cheap tricks.

Most of his hobbies include flirting, stealing, and bothering people. Story has it that he's still a virgin; but he's lying.

 Scarlet's profile

Abomination / Black Hole | Centuries Old | Deity | Creator of Arioch | He/They/It
Status Immortal
AboutA God who is responsible for the creation of the Black Pond. He's made entirely of black substance, a monstrous black hole. Considered the most powerful, He is incapable of being touched - unaffected by bodily harm or death. A conscious entity susceptible of absolving everyone of their sins. (wip)

Father's profile

(Original) Cosima
Agender | Abomination | Ageless | Former Ringmaster | Aromantic | He/They
He is the real Cosima and the child of Father Arioch. An abuser with a dark sadistic spirit. He had always longed of having his own circus, a desire that soon turned sick. He carried a kind facade in front of his audience that went cold the moment the curtains fell. He led Arioch Circus, as well as a human trafficking ring where performers abducted children to use as freak show props for his circus. He would put on gruesome private performances for himself, including the brutal slaughter of children. They dismember/corrupt these individuals into 'freaks' to suit the tastes of the circus or himself.
Cosima decided that he needed more power as his desire for dominance increased, enough that he touched the Black Pond without hesitation. It was then he was prehended and drowned into the pond. He found himself awakened in a strange environment. He was not himself anymore - He was in another person's body. The body of a sick, frail child. 

Things continued to deteriorate from that point on. They want their body back.

Cosima's profile

What is Arioch Circus?
"Stay for as long as you have time."

A stupendously fun circus that puts on a variety of entertaining performances with lots of engaging aspects! 
They showcase a wide range of spectacular acts - often encompasses acrobatics, tricks on tightropes, a trapeze, or horseback, as well as performing animals and frolicking clowns! In addition to their own amusement park, Arioch Circus also has arcades and a children's daycare facility where parents may drop off their kids to be looked after by Doodle, a goofy animatronic clown. They occasionally host carnival gatherings, including parades, open-air parties, and other entertainments that are communal celebrations. Elaborate masks and costumes enable people to put aside their usual individualism and experience a greater sense of social cohesion. You'll come to find their aesthetics are quite vintage.

The purpose of the circus is to educate and raise awareness of disability and acceptance via religious entertainment. The performers serve as examples of how, despite their impairments, they deserve to be treated equally with everyone else. All of this is evidently a masquerade, and (OG) Cosima, as well as other executives, personally disable each performer. Arioch Circus is primarily just a vast cover for a human trafficking ring operated for (OG) Cosima's own sadistic pleasure.

The reality of Arioch Circus is abhorrently sick and repulsive.

What is Arioch?
"God will love you and forgive you your sins, for God is most forgiving, most merciful"

Arioch is a religion created and based on Father's life and teachings. Its believers, known as Ariochians, believe that Father is the almighty, who will destroy the Earth and recreate anew as promised in the Arioch bible (called The Quoiza) and recounted as Judgement Day. The Arioch faith is based on beliefs about death, repentance of sins, and resurrection. It is to be one of the fourth monotheistic religions in human history due to its global spread and embrace. There is a total of 11.2 million followers and the numbers only serve to grow more as time goes on. According to Arioch, everyone is born a believer, but their parents or society might cause them to stray from the right path - which is the Arioch religion. 

Converting to Arioch necessitates self-sacrifice and total dedication to Father. Different sects of Arioch may execute a variety of rites or ceremonies on the converter in order to initiate them into a community of believers. The most widely acknowledged Arioch conversion procedure is through spiritual lobotomy to cleanse them of their past sins. However this is not required among those already born in the Arioch faith. 

Unlike most religions, Arioch tends to celebrate all holidays and accepts them into their belief system. Despite of the histories and lore that goes on to counteract the Arioch faith, it's still widely accepted into their religion as a form of fun and pleasure rather than religious factors. As long as the participants do not actively practice the religion, it is okay. 

What is the Black Pond?
 "muiɿdi|iupɘ ɘʜƚ ᴎiɒƚƚɒ oƚ ǫᴎiƚqmɘƚƚɒ ɘɿɒ ƚiɿiqꙅ bᴎɒ ,ʏbod ,bᴎim ɿuoY"


An infinite mass of black matter that is as close as one can come to the afterlife. 
It has the aptitude to teleport to any known dimension, world, or universe without error. There are usually side effects after you commence, but no death to occur. If two individuals enter the Black Pond at the same time, their souls will infuse and switch, ending themselves back to where they came from. Those who touch it without Father's permission are routinely sent to liminal space regions where they are confined and never allowed to leave.

It can enhance other capabilities such as healing, rejuvenation, clairvoyance, omnipotence, umbrakinesis, among many others. It shows the truth and knows all else. The Black Pond is currently in Father's possession, protected by a large veil. No one can touch or see it outside of Father and Cosima. It is located in Father's temple.

Code by ElithianFox