


3 years, 4 months ago




Name: Delavender

Alias: ?

Age: Unknown

Species: ?

Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: ?

Occupation: Infirmary janitor/worker

"How may I be of help?"

Delavender doesn't enjoy talking much about his past, so he'd prefer if you'd not really talk about it. Usually he just avoids it or pretends like he didn't hear you, but if you continue pushing or he is caught in a situation where he is trying to be as transparent as he can, he'll awkwardly push his fingertips together and look at the ground untill the topic is changed. If you were to just let him talk, he'd probably start his own story when he had no job, no money and was roaming in the streets of Vyrz, where he has been most of his life. With no one to stay with, Delavender was at a loss as what to do with his life. He has never been too good at navigating the world on his own, as his understanding of Vyrz and the extending world beyond it is surprisingly small. It's as though... even though he has lived there his whole life, he still remains ignorant and a stranger to a lot of things that people find common practice. That said, he's still surprisingly pleasant and well-spoken.

Delavender later met Doctor Vhal, head of Vyrz' southern hospital, whom decided to take him in as a worker, despite Delavender's lack of work-recommendation or willingness to talk about it. He's an honest and hardworking person, who will go out of his way to do things that could enrich others lifes, even if by a little. For example, even though he is a janitor, he offers to play harp music for patients and staff when they have issues resting at the infirmary. People says that his music is so good that it soothes the soul enough to rest peacefully.

Important to know for anyone who wants to draw them:

Blood color: Purple


  • Please give him a headdress that coveres ears and hair when you draw him ^^ He is the most comfortable at this moment wearing that!


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Delavender is a bit of a strange man. He's considered friendly and sweet to a lot of people - patient and easily able to do what you ask of him, especially be it physical labor. He has a lot of respect for other people, in particular any sort of clear authority and he will often keep dishing out this respect, despite never receiving an ounce of it in return. Sometimes his wording is strange or off-putting, as though he is so calm, so serene at mind, that he can't fully grasp the severity of some situations. While you may find him slightly surprised, fearful or shocked, he rarely seem to show intense emotions in front of others.

For some reason, Delavender believes himself to be a burden to others a lot - everytime he asks for somethingg, he considers it a selfish demand, despite being really quite humble. While he seems aware that he has such an issue, his willpower to face it seems lacking.

Physical Abilities

  • He is RIDICULOUSLY strong, when it comes to using his arms
  • Quite heavy, for some reason
  • People say Delavender has an almost calming effect around him, as though you can easily de-stress in his presence. Is it magic or is it just his demeanor that fills you with calm..? This effect is particularly strong when he sits down to comfort othres or plays the harp

Magical Abilities

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  • Music, especially harp music
  • Comfortable silence
  • Alone time


  • Bells. Not the large chruch ones, but the smaller ones, like what a store might have to alert that someone is entering. Or perhaps to call over a waiter.
  • Yelling
  • Being a bother to anyone
  • Travelling other parts of Vyrz that isn't Southern Vyrz
  • Catching people's attention/standing out
  • Crying - When people cry, he is never quite certian how to handle it, but he tries his best to help
  • Brawling


  • Delavender stays away from bodies of water, since he was never taught how to swim
  • He will do most anything that any source of authority asks of him, even if it went against his own beliefs
  • Delavender never eats in others company. Though he will share drinks, eating makes him really uncomfortable in general. Perhaps that is the reason for his thin physique

Significant Relationships


When Dr. Vhal wanted to know more about Delavender to hire him, he found out that despite Delavender seemingly being very responsive, Delavender didn't like talking about his past. Dr. Vhal isn't entirely sure what the reason for this is, but he has managed to make out that Delavender is keeping a low profile from someone. He's not sure from who that is, but by the way that Delavender rythmically started pressing his fingers together, he could tell it is a bit of a sore topic. When they had met, Dr. Vhal had been almost entranced by Delavenders calm attitude, despite seeming very famished and weak. His calm and pleasant demeanor was immedeatly apparent. And yet when asked questions like "Do you have experience working?" and "where did you work last? Do you have any recommendations?", Delavender hesitated to answer, despite how desperate he seemed for work. Dr. Vhal never brought it up again, since it idn't seem like a big issue to him at the time, but in hindsight, it seems almost impossible that Delavender haven't worked somewhere, with how professional and well-adjusted he is. Perhaps the fact that he seemed to want to keep a low profile and his hesitation to answers questions of his past were connected?

Dr. Vhal

Dr. Vhal is the best possible employer Delavender could ask for - he's patient, and tolerating of Delavenders many wishes and demands. Delavender feels like he owes this man a lot, but Dr. Vhal keeps insisting that there is no need for that. Where Delavender is usually at least a bit questioning towards others, Dr. Vhal has his full devotion. Whether that be a good or bad thing, Delavender isn't sure, but it's hard not to fall back into habits, he supposes.

Familiar face

Melvy may not know Delavender, but Delavender is aware of Melvy. Granted, that is normal, since the cheerful man is the Head Guard of South, but that isn't quite the reason for Delavenders feeligns towards the man. He doesn't at all mind or dislike Melvy, but he prefers to keep his distance for personal reasons.


After a couple of years working for Vhal, The doctor suggested that Delavender travel out and see the vast world around him. Though initially hesitant, Delavender did long for... something new. He had been in Vyrz for about as long as he could remember and so there was a lot of questions he had about what laid beyond those tall walls of Vyrz. Vhal reached out to an aquaintance of his, who set Delavender up for a job as a bodyguard of sorts to Lady Brella. Known for being a bit difficult to get along with, the match seemed almost perfect, since Delanvender often found himself acting and behaving quite agreeable and professionally nomatter the circumstances.
Delavender was quite surprised of Lady Brella, as she wasquite different compared to the people he had served before. Though harsh and seemingly a bit cold, Brella was very respectful and kind of him. Not that Vhal wasn't, it's simply a bit different from what he had been expecting from such an important higher class person.



html by Goldbeauti