


7 years, 1 month ago



Lóránt Finnian "Finn" Csorba
Born 1703
Gay, taken


Born in the Csongrad region of Hungary in his father's estate. His mother is Irish, and his father (whose side he's always been closer to) is mixed Hunnic/Mongolian, descended from the original Huns to settle that region of Eastern Europe near Transylvania. His Hun ancestors come from the Western Steppe, and his Mongolian heritage has always probably been the strongest, despite his disconnect from that (and all) sides of his family. As a child he frequently spent holiday seasons in Mongolia with his similar-in-age cousins Olguchemeg and Temujin, though he never cared much for the trips. His father is part of the Hungarian aristocracy, and while it means very little now, Finn is still to inherit the title being the only child. His parents were married only to strengthen the bloodline of old world vampires, which caused his mother to leave when he was young (as she was unable to convince Finn's father to let her take him). He had a falling out with his father due to Finn's sexuality, lack of concern with his heritage, and many other smaller things, which lead Finn to move to his long estranged mother's home in Ireland. There he met Alfie, and began cementing his relationship with his mother, who he is now incredibly close to. Speaks (in order of fluency) Hunagrian, English, Mongolian, and Irish.


In short, he's frank, dryly witty, a little insecure, ultimately  extremely sappy and wanting of love. Loyal almost to a fault, but unable  to articulate his emotions well enough to be clear about it. Slow to  trust but extremely quick to fall for people, which causes him to get  his feelings hurt frequently. Pragmatic and finds safety in facts,  things he can see, etc.

Always an incredibly shy and undersocialized child, Finn found more comfort in the books his father kept in their library than anything else. He taught himself English and everything documented about his father's family from it, but rarely ever had anyone to share with. His father wasn't overly fond of letting him interact with anyone outside of his periodically seen family, which stunted him emotionally. Up until he was a young adult Finn was incredibly soft spoken, lacking in any courage, switching from being inconsolably miserable to angry, and didn't know how to express himself at all. Anything that made up his personality was who his father wanted him to be.

After moving to Ireland and meeting his now best friend Alfie, he was able to move past that and develop as his own person. Finn became stable, confident, loving, and as outgoing as he's ever capable of being. He loves the occasional does of night life antics with Alfie, flirting (however badly it may be) with men when he's single, and indulging in the right amount of selfishness. Mostly he expresses himself via his clothes and jewelry, finding some relief in being able to play with how feminine or masculine he presents. Though he does still harbor a lot of insecurity about himself, it's leagues better than ever before.