
3 years, 4 months ago


Firbolg druid
Age: 156
Occupation: Baker
Height: 8’

Lucan is a quiet firbolg, preferring to let his partners do the talking (and they gleefully see any break in conversation as an invitation to start talking). He doesn’t mind people being around, but is not terribly social. When he does speak, people are surprised that despite his size and somewhat disheveled appearance, his voice is quite deep and smooth, if quiet. He is more mindful of his actions than the other two, both due to being aware of his large frame, as well as controlling his inherent strength. As a result he is incredibly gentle with those he cares for, especially with the children under the trio’s care. Lucan is also fiercely protective of his family and property. If intimidation and quiet threatening doesn’t work, he also has many druidic abilities at his disposal. 

Lucan originally came from the Fal’rei Jungle. Once a denizen of Everglen, Lucan felt that there was more to do in the world than stay to protect a jungle that was so full of protectors. A druid to the core, Lucan desired to explore the world, confident that there were other forests in need of protection. 

Dove met up with Lucan and, despite an initially rocky start due to opposing personalities, eventually bonded over their common ground, namely being two firbolgs out in the huge world struggling to make a name for themselves. Dove was used to close combat, while Lucan preferred a bit of distance between himself and his opponents (unless in another form). They worked well enough as a team.