Zen (Mad Dog City)



FULL NAME: Al̶͠e͡xànn͏̛ ̛Ơ͝͡l̨҉̢s͏̶e̴̵n̶̵͘ ̴̕
BREED: Arctic Wolf
AFFILIATION: Spiked Collars
OCCUPATION: Musician, Various Part-time Jobs
AGE: 21
GENDER: Cis Female

POSITIVES: dependable, chivalrous, caring
NEUTRALS: persistent, adventurous, affectionate
NEGATIVES: aggressive, rebellious, rough
  • Founder and leader of the Spiked Collars, an Underground all-girl rockband. Not only do they rock out and make music, they also double as a gang who seek to protect girls (and other vulnerable people), especially during the night.
  • The Spiked Collars have only been around for 3 years, and have only started to gain popularity since the last year. They are not associated with any labels currently.
  • Their sound is similar to One Ok Rock (2013-2016). Genre: Alternative rock, post-harcore & post-grunge, and incorporates a lot of growls that accompanies the vocal. Much of their songs relate to struggles of life, rebellion against society, sticking it to the man, and empowerment to women.
  • Much of their die-hard fans are girls they've actually saved from dangerous situations. A very few number are radical feminists, but the Spiked Collars themselves are aligned with equality & feminism.
  • Lives with Nova in a tiny studio flat near central city.
  • Works various part-time jobs whilst living the dream and making music.

  • Stargazing
  • Karaoke
  • Camping/Exploring
  • Being nagged
  • Feeling caged
  • Rules
  • Composing & writing music
  • Plays guitar, piano & drums (although the drums are her weakest instrument)
  • Can't sing very well lmao
  • Provides all the growls and ad-libs in the band


Comes from an upper-middle-class family. Has a brother, younger by several years. Her parents were very strict and pressured her a lot in her childhood which brewed a lot of pent-up stress. This stress continued to brew until it ruptured into violence when she reached high school where she got involved with a bad crowd, ending up being recruited by a girl gang from another school.

Thus her double life began, but it wasn't a secret- her parents were aware - who wouldn't be when your daughter always came home with cuts and bruises. But they viewed her as a disappointment and a flaw, instead of reaching out to find the cause of this rebellion. Her girl gang activities continued, she skipped school and her grades plummeted.

Regardless, Zen was having the time of her life. It was the first time she ever felt so free, so alive. It was then she also experienced her first love, with none other than the leader of their gang. Despite being unrequited and unconfessed, she was happy.


Her happiness didn't last long however. Senior year, their antisocial activities began to escalate and at some point Zen could no longer agree with it. Going against the group leader, she was badly beaten and kicked out of the gang. At this point her parents have also had enough of her, and disowned her, kicking her out of the house.

All would've been lost if it wasn't for Nova. A friend from the same school, who was also in the gang. She took Zen's side and also left with her.


After finishing highschool, Nova and Zen moved in together and decided to become rockstars.The Spiked Collars was an idea born during their junior year of highschool, and with nothing to lose, they decided to pursue their dreams.

Jem ('friends' | love interest)

Initially she had a year long crush on his older brother Jayden. Met him through Ian, who brought him to their studio and became their little errand boy. Boys aren't usually allowed in, but the Spiked Collars are rule breakers who break their own rules.

A spicy interaction involving The Heat and forgotten medication bought them closer together. They became friends with benefits to satiate desires, but soon the relationship started becoming complicated when feelings started to surface.

Nova (closest friend | roommate)

Spiked Collars' Bassist, Backing Vocalist

"Despite the resting bitch face, and the attitude, Nova's a real sweet gal and super clingy. Though, she'll probably cut me if she knew I was exposin' her like this, haha."

Friends since highschool, these two have been together for ~5 years. They were in the same girl gang, and when Zen was kicked from the group, Nova took her side. Since then the two have been inseperable. They decided to start a rockband in their junior year, and moved in together to follow their dreams.

Han (friend)

Spiked Collars' Lead Vocalist

Zen scouted her at her grandmother's Korean restaurant when she was absentmindedly singing late one evening. At first she refused the offer, but Zen's persistence won her over. She thinks for a small girl, Han has a very big voice.

Tomo (friend)

Spiked Collars' Pianist, Backing Vocalist

Tomoko joined at a recommendation from Han because they needed a pianist. At first Zen was very worried about her due to her shy and timid personality, but she also found her EXTREMELY ADORABLE and could not resist her softness. Zen's cheering her on to become more confident in herself, and hopefully being in their rockband will help her get out of her shell.

Zee (friend)

Spiked Collars' Drummer

A mysterious girl who just turned up one day to sign up as the band's drummer. Zen loved her wild personality from the get go and let her in immediately, after impressing them with her drumming skills. She is the last member to join the band.

Ian (friend)

Spiked Collars' Rhythm Guitarist

Coded by ArticusB / @AHB for MDC