Makoto Akiyama



3 years, 5 months ago


Basic Info
Name Makoto Akiyama
Nickname Makoto
Age 20
Birthday October 19th
Height 5'2"
Gender Male
Species Human
Idol Unit Solstice
Origin Japan
Blood Type AB-
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Idol
Status Alive
Worth $10 (NFS)
  • Pumpkin Spice flavored things
  • Reading and writing
  • Video games
  • Wearing creative outfits and costumes
  • Growing flowers and plants
  • Cheap processed foods
  • Being ignored
  • Small talk
  • People who like to pry
  • Makoto really loves autumn rain. Sitting in some blankets with a warm drink and watching/listening to the rain is his favorite thing to do!
  • Because of Makoto's short time studying medicine he has a bit of medical knowledge.
  • TBA
  • TBA
Mellow . Intelligent . Quiet . Short tempered

Most of the time Makoto is a very mellow and quiet person who prefers to keep to himself. Even to those who consider him a friend he's usually an enigma that's difficult to read, but if there's one thing that's clear it's that Makoto always seems to be thinking about or contemplating something. Makoto can often appear as if he's tired or sleepy, but it's hard to tell if that's because he doesn't get enough sleep or if that's simply his demeanor. When he's lost in thought it can be difficult to bring him back to the present, but he has an unnerving skill at being able to remember everything said while he was distracted by his own thoughts.

Makoto can be surprisingly short tempered if the right buttons are hit. Although he never raises his voice he can be extremely sharp tounged and knows exactly what to say to hit a person hard, though he feels bad about it afterwards. That said he's not very good at apologies and can be very awkward. Makoto seems to struggle with expressing himself and putting on a genuine smile, so seeing him become passionate about something is a rarity. Even so deep down he wants to express himself and enjoy his interests more earnestly, but he's been burned in the past for doing so.


Makoto was raised in a wealthy family where he had almost everything he could ever want growing up. It became clear once he got older, however, that his parents often gave into his demands simply to keep him occupied so they could focus on other things rather than out of a want to see him genuinely happy and excited. Whenever he spoke of his interests with the earnesty of a child they would barely listen and give one-note answers; however the times they did listen were even worse. At those times they would actively scold him for participating in such frivolous activities and wonder why he wasn't spending his time more wisely. Overtime Makoto learned to stop sharing his interests with others and he began to become more withdrawn.

Makoto's parents were set on him going into a well paying career, but he was still passionate even if he was more withdrawn and actively refused them everytime they tried to force him into something. This caused a lot of tension with his parents, though Makoto hardly felt as if he was close to them to begin with. Eventually to stop them from breathing down his neck he decided to study medicine for awhile, but the grudge he felt for being forced into it never subsided. Eventually he began looking for ways to rebel. It was only small things at first, until he finally dropped out of school altogether.

Dropping out of school was the last straw. Makoto was given an ultimatium; return to school or find somewhere else to live. Makoto was set on taking the second option, but he had very little skills for entering the work force. In order to try and make some money quickly Makoto decided to experiment with anything he could think of, and this eventually included writing and producing music. Makoto had experimented with music in the past, both writing and playing, and thought it would be something he could rely on. With a very short amount of time left he was extremely lucky when his rushed song caught the attention of a certain agency and he was scouted to both become an idol and write music. He had no intention of seriously persuing it as a career but, the more time went on, the more Makoto found he enjoyed the job.

Shion Fuyuki | Friend/Member

One of the other Solstice members Makoto found Shion to be the easiest to get along with. Because he was both kind and shy he often didn't bother Makoto much or push his buttons, and he also felt the most at ease talking to him. Makoto never felt like he would be judged for things he said or things he liked, and that made Shion easy to be friends with.

Touya Suzuki | Friend/Member

One of the other members of solstice. Makoto disliked Touya the most in the beginning and he found Touya's personality irritating. His high and mighty attitude was hard to get along with, and it took a long time for the two of them to get along. Things are sometimes still difficult between the two and they have trouble communicating, but Makoto no longer believes Touya is a bad person.

Natsuki Hamasaki | Friend/Member

One of the memebers of Solstice. Makoto found Natsuki's personality to be completely overbearing in the beginning and actively avoided him. Overtime Makoto got more used to it and began to realize there was more to Natsuki, but he can still only handle being around him for so long before getting exhausted.