


3 years, 4 months ago


Pascal Moreau

Name: Pascal Moreau

Age: 19

Gender: girl

Height: 5’2”

a: a

Species: sinistea

Birthday: november 22nd

Pronouns: she/her

Weight: 148 lbs / 67 kg

a: cloud cuckoolander

Okey-dokey— if you sense a ghostly presence it’s only me and my friends.

A fan of unexpected questions, quantum random points, macarons, and wrestling her enemies to the ground, Pascal is a bit of a mixed bag of interests and hobbies. Should you attempt to make friends with her, be warned, she is not fully attentive and may forget to check in with you regularly. She is not anxious in her connections with others, though, and will consider you a friend rather quickly. Do not be alarmed if she comes knocking at your door to ask you a theoretical question at any time of day.

Pascal will ask you to come with her for a walk on an unmarked path in the woods right after meeting you, and sees nothing to be concerned about. Listen to her vinyl collection and you’ll make her day, engage with her in the exploration of metaphysics and prepare for her to ask for your hand in marriage.

  • popcorn
  • vinyl
  • vintage aesthetics
  • The Final Pam
  • gossip
  • snowmen
  • ants
  • debating



Sign: sagittarius

Ennegram: 2w3

Alignment: neutral

  • She feels like porcelain
  • she has an odd obsession with short wave radio
  • good at cooking southern comfort foods
  • will never give up 50's dress


  • Wrestling
  • Collecting and cleaning vinyl
  • french horn
  • randonauting

Family Info


Pascal is from a working class family, she lives with her mother and is an only child. She doesn’t see her mother all the time, and often house chores and even grocery shopping fall on her.

  • a battery powered frosty the snowman scared her as a child that is why she hates snowmen.
  • She has a very fractured friend group and doesn't keep contact with people easily.
  • if you want to wrestle she would.
  • swing dance.



Always turning the possibilities offered by spiritualism and metaphysics and their limitless applications in her head, Pascal is open to any and every idea. Although she has a difficult time pinning a thought down long enough to examine it thoroughly or to make sure it adds up with the rest of reality, she explores them in a disconnected way, treating abstract ideas as friends to get to know in a series of questions that once in a while find their way to the surface to add ideas to her collection.


In tone of voice and mannerisms, Pascal is utterly unthreatening outside of the ring. Even when she’s angry its hard to take her seriously, as she either lets it bubble up in a silly rant, which may at first spook the very anxious, or becomes reserved and leaves the conversation. It doesn’t always come naturally to her to move gracefully, though, and you might catch her correcting her movements, which are only intimidating in their excitement, and tone of voice in an attempt to stay composed.


Pascal tries her very best to remain cool, and even then, her emotions are clearly present in near every instance. Her excitement for the things which she is passionate about bubble to the surface in rapid speech, wide eyes and tension like that of a spring about to jump into the stratosphere. This trait presents itself mostly in positive emotions, and although its usually easy to tell when she’s feeling poorly, she’s a lot less likely to be engaging in conversation then.


With all that thought, you may start to assume she’d have some good sense.. and you would be incorrect. Pascal will take risks without necessity, and often without fear of the consequences, and even set aside her spotty morality in the pursuit of answers — or new questions — her curiosity knows no limit, and sometimes, you must steal pumpkins in order to see if you can. Embarrassment or shame are no more than acquaintances to her, and are easily brushed aside. Intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing, after all.


It may come as unsurprising that Pascal’s near obsession with the BIG picture has her missing the trees. She has to make a conscious effort to pick up on changes in her environment, and even the others around her. Sadly, theres a common theme with her and relationships with others where she simply forgets about them completely unless they’re right in-front of her, or incredibly persistent, which can be difficult as she has a habit of walking away from conversation that she can’t feel engaged with.


She is not always honest, Pascal doesn’t mind bending the truth in her favour, and is quick to tell a lie or play dumb. She has obvious tells, but to those who do not know her, which are the ones who receive it the most, they may never know. She never seeks to hurt anyone, and never attempts to deceive someone for sport, its simply a means to get what she wants when she doesn’t understand why the rules should matter or even apply to her… mostly, she lies to get out of trouble when she’s caught somewhere she ‘shouldn’t’ be. Her little way of rebelling against those who think they can tell her what she is capable of.

Early childhood - Teen years:

Pascal had begun life with her mother and granny, she’d never met her father, though she apparently took after him in looks. she was raised, mostly, by her granny, who was emotionally fragile and worried constantly after her wellbeing which was completely understandable considering Pascal was accident prone.

Her Mother is a trucker and could be gone for long periods of time, and was always exhausted when she returned. Pascal did her best to help her Granny and her Mother whenever she could, taking responsibility at a young age and mirroring parents on television, especially from the old shows her Granny liked to watch.

Pascal admired her Granny to such an extent that she modelled herself after her in many ways, and as her health declined she sacrificed a lot of her free time to spending extra time with her. After her passing, she had no struggle filling her time with the responsibilities she’d inherited, and filled up any she had to spare with hobbies and looking after the drafty old farmhouse she and her mother continued to inhabit.


Not much has changed for her, acting like a pseudo fully functional adult can be tough but its a lot easier to ignore when you have a ROOMMATE FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION!!!! OOOOOOOOO MACBETH!! YAAHHH



[ roommate / friend ]

Steal pumpkins together



[ friend ]

records ghost videos with.



[ friend ]

they like wearing sunhats together and breaking and entering.