


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Merang

Series: Soften series

Age: Exact age unknown, but somewhere between 10 and 14

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Meringue

Personality:  Despite his innocent looks, Merang is a very vengeful person. He is obsessed with getting his revenge on Soften, and will stop at nothing to achieve it.

Home: Hairworld

History: In his debut comic, Merang had somehow given a back massage to his friend Lemon, only to get  eaten by Soften seconds later. He then reappears alive (idk how) and declares his revenge for Soften, destroying his friendship with Lemon is the process.

Current-Bio: Merang can currently be seen around Apple, plotting his revenge on Soften. He sometimes can be found trying to convince Lemon to join him, but never succeeds at this.

Meta-History: Merang debuted in several comics I drew in my 7th grade planner. I'm not completely sure when he was created, but he appears in Kitten's debut comic, meaning he's been a character longer than her. His creation was inspired by the meringues I convinced my mom to buy at Trader Joe's (they weren't as good as I expected |D ). I didn't know how to spell the word meringue at the time of his creation so his name has always been spelled as "Merang".

Relationships with Other Characters:

Soften: Merang wants revenge on Soften, and Soften dislikes him back.

Apple: Apple is Merang's sidekick and only friend.

Lemon: Lemon is Merang's former best friend that he would give back massages to. Merang's quest for revenge destroyed their friendship.

If I think of anything else I'll add it here!