


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Lemon

Series: Soften series

Age: Exact age unknown, but somewhere between 10 and 14

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Lemon

Personality: Lemon is very peaceful and kind. He's known to have back problems, possibly due to being a lemon slice instead of a whole lemon.

Home: Hairworld

History: Lemon was best friends with Merang, but all of that changed when Merang was eaten by Soften and magically returned with revenge on the mind. Lemon did not like this and broke off their friendship.

Current-Bio: Lemon is usually seen with Cracker and sometimes with Swirl. He's usually warning Soften of Merang's schemes.

Meta-History: Lemon debuted in the same comic as Merang in my 7th grade planner. Unlike Merang, he doesn't appear as much since he has no beef with Soften.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Soften: Lemon does not dislike Soften for eating his friend, possibly due to being a peaceful person(lemon??)

Cracker: Cracker is Lemon's current best friend.

Merang: Merang and Lemon used to be best friends, but Merang's obsession with revenge on Soften destroyed their friendship.

Swirl: Another friend of Lemon's.

If I think of anything else I'll add it here!