Adriel Bloodmane's Comments

Heya, sorry to bother u but did u draw his pfp or did u use a website for it? 

He looks absolutely amazing and it'd be really cool if u could possibly give me the link to the website if u used one ♥️

Thank u so much in advance, I look forward to hearing from u! 

I hope, u have a wonderful day ♥️


Aaa! Oh geez (ㅅ´⌣`)♡ I drew it ;o; it's a crop of his reference sheet art ♥️

Aw, ur art looks absolutely adorable!! I love his lil smirk ♥️

If u ever wanna do an art trade or something, please definitely let me know!! ♥️


Aa tysm! Will do ᵔᴥᵔ