Lukyan (TarKyaRin♥)



3 years, 1 month ago


Height Difference
8 cm
171 cm
163 cm

Age Difference
2 years

Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday October 23
Star Sign Libra



Height Difference
14 cm
171 cm
185 cm

Age Difference
1 year

Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday February 24
Star Sign Pisces



Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday July 20
Star Sign Cancer



Height Difference
22 cm
163 cm
185 cm

Age Difference
3 years

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

Lukyan and Sakharin were the first ones to meet when they were kids. They've been good friends since then, with Sakharin having some sort of infatuation with Lukyan on the side. He had been hoping that if he stuck around Lukyan enough that he would catch on, even upon returning Lukyan treated him coldly like he did everyone else.

Childe came along around that time, all three of them being teenagers at that point. Lukyan didn't like that Childe was so young being accepted into higher ranks, so the whole situation turns into a heated rivalry. Lukyan was rather annoyed, having both rather annoying men constantly up his behind.

Things progress, and unfortunately for Sakharin, Childe steals the kill from him first. The other two began to have a romantic bond, so Sakharin takes it upon himself to kind of step in. Things took a turn though, and he ends up joining the relationship much to his surprise.

Their Relationship

The trio's relationship is somewhat of a love-hate poly, heated in more ways than one. Often will they spend their time bickering with each other, Childe being unbearably competitive with the other two. Lukyan is rather bitter with them in terms of the way he speaks to them. Sakharin loves to clash heads with Childe and then turn around and treat Lukyan with all love and care in the world. It's honestly rather funny how it all works between them, but at the end of the day, they have their caring moments with each other.

It was originally going to start out with Lukyan wanting to get together with Sakharin first, he had considered it but he instead changed his mind before he left Sakharin for a bit to get stationed in Liyue with Childe. Sakharin was quite mad because that meant Lukyan completely turned around and eventually decided on Childe first instead. That's when he started to get real competitive, stepping into the relationship himself until it eventually lead into him joining the relationship.

How Sakharin feels

"Lukyan and I make an exceptional team when our abilities are combined, especially since we've known each other for most of our lives. Oh, our personal affairs are of no concern. Especially to Tartaglia, his tendency to get too close irritates me. Lukyan should understand by now how powerful he is already, his qualities never cease to amaze me. I don't see why he gets so worked up about it, anyway. I want to squeeze his face and put some sense into his head sometimes, but he'd be mad at me.

How Childe feels

"These two are some funky little dudes, always wanting to put up a fight with the likes of me, hmph. It's rather amusing, I suppose it never hurts to give them what they want, and more because obviously, I would win. Well, most of the time, I want to. I don't wanna hurt my partners too much, now would I?"

How Lukyan feels

"These two? Complete and utter idiots, sometimes I can't even stand them. They're both too loud and too dramatic... Always trying to hog my attention, always fighting for it, too. If only they knew how stupid they look when they do it. Oh well, maybe it's flattering here and there — but I did not say that! Can't let them think I'm weak for that or something..."


  • Lukyan is typically in the middle of them, it's mostly funny so he can keep Sakharin and Childe from biting each other's heads off.
  • Sakharin and Childe are really good at annoying him. Especially when he's asleep, they poke at his ears and tail a lot.
  • The whole thing started honestly because Childe joked to Sakharin about "what if we shared him haha just kidding," and it made Lukyan actually ponder that in the corner.
  • For some reason, these three like to occasionally train either half or fully naked with each other. Strange men indeed.
  • Sakharin always brings up stuff about him helping Lukyan when he was little, him thinking it's cute but on the other hand, Lukyan gets real fussy about it.
  • Childe gives both of them the most random gifts of all time, just as a way to dote on both of them.
  • I am a firm believer in Childe calling both of them "babe," it makes both of his boyfriends wanna punch him. But later on, perhaps they feel silly goofy about it to themselves because neither of them wants to admit it.
  • Lukyan tends to get sick often, so it's a rush for Sakharin to come and take care of him while Childe is out wreaking havoc. He cooks for Lukyan, making sure it's his favorite thing, and makes sure he stays in his bed to rest. Of course, Lukyan gets grumpy about it.
  • Their grumpy boyfriend generally isn't interested in being coddled by them, but there are sometimes when he feels like he really does want/need the love from him. They tease him for it a lot.
  • If Lukyan wants alone time, sometimes his boyfriends will team up to be persistent, poking at him and just giggling at each other about it. Kind of wholesome if you ask me.
  • Lukyan will sometimes take his anger out on them for no reason, the root of their serious fights always comes from him being irritated and it leaves his boyfriends trying to figure out what they could've possibly done wrong.
  • NSFW
    • Remember when I said Lukyan takes his anger out on them. This stands for sex, too, especially since all three of these mfers have the same problem. So sex is usually intense between them.
    • Lukyan is a fan of both giving and receiving degradation, so that comes into big play to add to the above.
    • I think Lukyan and Sakharin would be quite a combo if you will. Lukyan likes jerking both of them off just to see them writhe from pleasure, while Sakharin would like to give head. <3
    • Sakharin can get off by watching Childe fuck Lukyan (or vice versa), but he will want to compete for who can give the most pleasure after.
    • Lukyan mostly likes to go in the middle just because he likes to challenge himself to take two at once. Looks around.
    • If Lukyan isn't there, I'd like to think that when Childe and Sakharin are in the mood for each other, Childe convinces him he can blow his mind HELP.
    • Okay in my head, Childe and Sakharin talked about gifting Lukyan some strap-ons from either one of them. Honestly, best idea ever because he'll use the one Childe got him on Childe, and the one Sakharin got him on Sakharin. Designation king.
    • I am a firm believer in all three of them making an absolute mess. Then Childe just grumbles constantly about it afterward so he'll clean up for them.
    • Okay, so Childe and Lukyan lost their virginity to each other. And then they took Sakharin's when his stubborn ass decided to butt into the relationship. Honestly probably the best moment of Sakharin's life.
    • Lukyan is absolutely weak for them when they're wearing the most specific combo of turtlenecks and their underwear. Next question.
    • He's also weak for the bulge in their underwear. Next question again, please.