Spence Hunter (Specter & The Machine--hero AU)



8 months, 8 days ago


a kid born with spirit medium powers who thought ghosts were normal until he was told he was probably crazy. then he was like oh ok. and hid his powers. they don't know his best friend is a snarky dead woman named florence

old bio i wrote for him and flo (will probs turn into a full code later):
Spence, a kid with the ability to see and talk to ghosts, is accompanied by his ghost friend Florence. They meet the team during a freak accident in a karaoke place, and Melinda comes up with an idea to create a mechanical body that harnesses Florenceā€™s energy and allows her to control it. Spence, with his spirit medium powers, can use the help of ghosts in fights to alert him and act as his sixth sense.