Kogitsunemaru こぎつねま



3 years, 4 months ago


"Even if we forget the faces of our friends, We will never forget the bonds that were carved into our souls."

  • NAME Kogitsunemaru こぎつねま
  • AGE N/A
  • PRONOUNS He/Him,She/Her
  • HEIGHT 5'6"
  • RACE Kemuchii
  • STATUS Alive/Single
  • OCCUPATION Body Gaurd

Kogitsunemaru was one of the first Dracul kings guards. He originally was created of course in Gaidinia by the deity Tainy but had lost his way at some point and had given up on himself due to the things he saw and had to do while working after the war. It was the first king that showed him that life isn’t fair sometimes but you still have to try. It was the warmth that Dracul gave off that attracted Kogi to him. There were multiple times where he confessed his feelings in the beginning to Dracul but was rejected because it was one sided. Dracul was deeply in love with his husband. Kogi didn’t understand why Dracul couldn't just have two husbands or even take him as a wife; he just loved Dracul so he didn’t care what title he got. It was late one night as he walked the halls of the large castle when he heard the king's voice and he slowly walked closer to see Dracul in his son's chambers. Dracul was smiling and laughing as he talked to his son, how much he loved his other dad, Hyorinmaru for giving birth to the cutest little thing ever, how he loved his dad with all his heart and how he was so excited when he found out Hyori was pregnant. Dracul went on and on for a long time and while listening Kogi knew then his feelings would never be returned. Yeah it hurt but he was sure Dracul would be happy he didn’t have to keep turning him down when he confessed his feelings. The next day Kogi made a pledge to Dracul that he would protect and serve him and all his descendants from this day forward.

The day the Dracul died the whole kingdom that he created cried and mourned for weeks, Kogi never stopped mourning though. He had learned as time went on that even if you forget the faces of friends and loved ones you would never forget the bonds they carved into our souls. Draculs bond had been carved deep and it took about maybe five generations before he could say Dracul’s name without crying. Kogi took it upon himself to record everything that happened in the kingdom. He wanted everyone in the future to know of the past and the history of the kingdom, good and bad. There were times he fought with the other Kemuchii that also lived there serving under the Dracul. Kogi wasn’t sure what the reason the other kemuchii served Dracul but he was nice and he had this blunt honest charm to him that made people fall for him. Just something about the dark edgy boy types Kogi guessed that drew people in. His name was Okuri and a lot of people mistook the two as a couple because of how they bickered but the two were never really that close and were always fighting for Dracul’s attention before. After Dracul’s death Kogi did turn to Okuri often when he was sad but it never went beyond just being allies and friends.

As years passed Kogi saw kings and queens come and go. It was a bittersweet feeling seeing the rise and fall of so many lives he dedicated himself to serve. Everyone was so different so it never felt like a tedious thing for him. When Hyori was born he was named after the first king's wife. Hyori’s father was an older gentleman and his wife, though blind to him, was clearly cheating on him. Though he never said anything and loved the three children his wife had. Okuri refused to train the three children and Kogi himself could tell and did the same. They served the true descendants of their first king. The current king said nothing and made a false truth saying how the three children didn’t have strong enough of the Dracul bloodline in them for them to be accepted by the two guardians Kemuchii. When Hyori was born though, the queen tried to say that the child was not really the current king's child and asked a handmaid to get rid of the child. The queen pleaded but Kogi had read her mind standing outside the door with Okuri as the king attended to an urgent matter involving one of his three other children.

When the handmaid stepped outside with the child she was quickly stopped by Okuri who asked to see the child. The handmaid hesitated at first but then whispered to Okuri what the queen said as she handed the child to Okuri. Okuri took one look at the child and could tell this was the king's true child. Kogi walked over to Okuri and smiled asking Okuri if he looked like his dad and Okuri just made a scoff. The handmaid went to take the child but was quickly met with a blade held up to her throat and threatened to not lay a hand on the small prince. The years that followed weren’t easy for the small prince. He was often picked on by his older three siblings who called him the bastard child. The kingdom began to become separated with half believing that Hyori was the rightful prince and how he had the first king's dragon pupils and a golden ring even. Others believe he really was someone else's child and wanted the two guardian kemuchii to protect and train the real three princes. The king said all four were his children but the king was too in love with his wife to admit what was really going on and the truth in front of him.

Kogi adored Hyori, something about him just made him remember the first king. He had this warm strong aura that just drew people in. Around the time when Hyori was a year old Toshiro was adopted into the family, Toshiro was the child of the king's best friend growing up. Toshiro’s mother died during childbirth and his father was killed in a hunting accident. At least that's what the others that were with him said but the man was investigating the queen so Kogi was sure the queen paid off the men to kill Toshiro’s father. Toshiro was around 12 when he was adopted into the family. Toshiro swore to serve and protect the king and prince Hyori. Something he promised his dad apparently before his dad left on the trip. As Hyori got older Toshiro remained by the boy's side. Toshiro began to be trained with Hyori and also received the same studies as him. Something Hyori wished for and was calling Toshiro his real big brother.

One winter the snow on the mountain had piled up bad and everyone was to be careful going outside and careful with the volume of their yelling in case of an avalanche. It just so happened on a day the king was going for a walk with his wife suddenly there was an avalanche and it took down the west part of the castle. Kogi was beside himself with worry as he did his best to begin digging out the snow and tossing stones to try and find the prince when he heard the prince's voice behind him. Hyori was in tears though, saying he saw his mom and dad get taken away with the avalanche. Okuri made a pained face as he stood there and then toshiro was on the scene with men to help search for the prince and any survivors, seeing the small prince he yelled out that the prince had been located and to keep working and searching. Hyori admitted he talked Okuri into letting him go with him when he went on patrols around the outside of the castle. Toshiro just hugged Hyori happily but the two kemuchii just watched the two knowing the sad outcome of their king. Days later bodies were being recovered and the kingdom was in an uproar over the true successor of the throne if the king couldn’t be found alive. On day four the king's body was found along with the queens. They were both dead and the oldest child of course stood up and called himself the next king. Toshiro argued in defense for Hyori and young Hyori was still in shock at the death of his parents

Kogi one night heard talk while walking with Hyori to the restroom one night about killing Hyori so no one could argue anymore about the true heir and rightful king. Hyori told Kogi, Okuri and Toshiro that it was time for them to leave home and come back after they had found proof he was in fact the true heir and the king's child. Okuri offered to kill them but Hyori didn’t want that and wanted the throne the proper way, saying it was how the first king would have handled it. Kogi began to then travel and help raise the young prince in their travels to find the dragon Bahamut himself and get proof from him to bring back and take his place as king. Kogi at first found it annoying but he found it real fun to be traveling the world to find this ancient dragon that was to be the father of the first king. Hyori used the first king's wife's last name before he married the king so if anyone knew the name they assumed he was dead or someone named after the guy and not an actual descendant. While traveling Kogi was seeing a lot of the first king in small Hyori which only drove him to protect and baby the boy more, making Toshiro be the adult in the group even though he and Okuri were much older.

How good it would have been if this were all just a dream
Even now, I still dream of you
Like I'm going home to get something I've forgotten
I dust off my old, worn memories


  • Hyorinmaru
  • The Color Yellow
  • Cheesy Jokes
  • The First Dracul King
  • Holding Hands


  • Dust
  • Talk About How The First King Died
  • Losing Hyorinmaru
  • Having To Use His Smoke As A Weapon
  • Confessions


  • Often seen wearing a yellow sweater or shirt.
  • The smoke from his tail, ears and legs is a soft lavender color
  • Is a sap for one sided love stories almost like he hasn't gotten over his own possibly.
  • Appears to always be smiling but he just smiles more when he is actually hurting inside.
  • Likes to wear girl or boy clothing, even though he has male parts

Hyori | Young Princes BodyGuard

He is The young Prince and I love his warm aura. I will protect him no matter what even if it means losing my body. Though the prince is a really a good person and he really does always think of other before himself. I am happy to be apart of his life.

Toshiro | Friends

I was really worried this kid would get in the way of protecting the prince but he turned out to be a great asset and I dont have to play the serious one because he fits the role perfectly. I think he has a small crush on the prince though. Poor guy doesn't have a chance being family-zoned.

Okuri | Allies

He tells such scary real stories other people think its just some scary story but he is so meloncholy that you can't even tell the story is real unless you were there when it happened. He may be an ally but he is one that will always remain loyal and stay by your side. Never make him made.


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