Ace Wülf (Sonic Form)



Name Ace
Species Wolf
Age 18
Gender He/Him
Occupation Thief/Leader
Team Team Thief
Position Speed
Theme Hang Castle

Abilities Dash speed Real magic
Special Attack Three card trick
Profile by N/A


+ Sly, coy, deep thinker - chooses his words carefully before he speaks, actually easily impressed, very laid back, has a good laugh, a jokster off the job, very difficult to anger, always ready to throw down for his team [unless they were being idiots and need a lesson]

- A bit arrogant, lying is like talking to him, secretive, loves to annoy people, ready to throw down if necessary, intimidating, sarcastic at all the worst times

Not much is known about the enigmatic leader of Team Thief. He showed up one day out of the blue to both Nova and Boom and asked them if they wanted to work as thieves alongside him. No ones sure if he has family, or other friends, but he certainly dug himself a cozy little hole with his team in the hall of "annoying punks that get on everyone's nerves". Their schemes range from stealing candy from small children to breaking into secure vaults for family herilooms - whatever they feel like going after or are hired to steal. That is, if you can find them to hire them! This last job they were hired by Eggman himself to steal some gray crystal going on display the same day as a Chaos Emerald [but not the emerald? What's up with that?]. They almost succeeded too, had a woman not tried to intervene and Boom's clumisness gotten in the way. In a flash the girl became a bear, the crystal was taken, Eggman took the Chaos Emerald and left them to deal with the police, Nova hit her head, and Ace was left with a bitter taste in his mouth. They retreated to their hideout and hoped this debacle wouldn't ruin their reputation. Little did they know that their troubles weren't over yet as it turns out that bear holds quite a temper...and one hell of a grudge!