Boom (Sonic Form)



Name Boom
Species Australian Bilby
Age 16
Gender He/Him
Occupation Thief/Explosives
Team Team Thief
Position Power

Abilities Making Things Go Boom™
Profile by N/A


+ Excitable, rude but like in a funny way, ya know? intelligent - but stupid, has his teammates backs, will ride or die for someone, loves inside jokes, over dramatic

- A bit arrogant, immature, easily bored, easily insulted, easily ticked off but not angered, extremely clumsy when not around his explosives (Nova is the one to cause those accidents), hard to befriend - doesn't like allowing new people into his circle

Boom has been obsessed with making things "Go Boom" that he long since tossed his old name for his current nickname. Never fitting in anywhere Boom spent most of his time working on new types of bombs and fireworks, setting them off in parks, parking lots, grocery stores, and near police stations just to get a rise out of people. His pranks have gotten him in a lot of trouble with just about everyone. Until Ace that is: out of the blue the red wolf appeared rummaging through Booms older collections of bombs after he was recently released from the local jail for the night. Ace offered him a place in his new group, Team Thief, where Boom would be allowed to blow up whatever his heart desired. Skeptical at first Boom joined and has become without a doubt the most loyal member of the group. His skills at creating small, precise explosives are key for getting them in and our of areas undetected. Too bad his clumsiness tends to get in the way - like on their recent job stealing some weird crystal thing for Eggman where he tripped over his equipment and crash head first into one very angry Scarlet, inadvertendly turning her into the bear of a person she is now. Now he hides out at base, eating pizza, and watching every corner in case she truly does hold up her threat for revenge.