Taurus Alaparos



3 years, 3 months ago


*:・゚✧ The Road May be Muddy But Let's Keep Going ✧゚・:*

*:・゚✧ It's Still a Long way Ahead ✧゚・:*

Celestial Protector Star, Ophiotaurus Taurus Alaparos

Full Name: Ophiotaurus Taurus Alaparos Papadopoulos-Yrjö-Koskinen | Commonly Known As: Al

He/Him | Functionally Immortal, Physically 25 | Married |

May 1 | Taurus | Greek | ENTP | 6w5

Male | Demi-biromantic/Asexual

5'6 (165 cm) [Standing] | 4'3 (128 cm) [In Chair] | 59 kg (130 lbs) | [Human/Human Adjacent Form]

7'10 (238 cm) | 1134 kg (2500 lbs) | [Ophiotaurus Form]

Allegiance: Hades' Specters, Wyvren Division | Athena's Saints (former) (1900s-1940s)

CV: Kamio Shinichiro

Occupation: Specter | Lifeguard | Gold Saint (Former)

Family: Mother, Father, Younger Siblings | Ophiuchus Ilmatar (Spouse) | Taurus Aldebaran (Adopted Son) | Jesse Yrjö-Koskinen (Son) 

Alaparos is a gentle where the others are cruel and empathetic where others couldn't give a damn. Alaparos is a gentle giant who would do anything to for those he feel close enough with, standing on the front lines not to fight but to protect the home he has made amongst the cruelty and sadism of reality. He is cheerful character bright against the drab scenery of the world, always willing to help out. He is the heart of any group he finds himself in, encouraging others and generally making the mood as cheerful and upbeat as it can be. He is very protective of creatures that are smaller than him which isn't a very high bar to set as he is easily taller than most. But sometimes he forgets that he's pretty big so he ends up bowling others over a lot. Do not be fooled, however, as he has his own brand of cruelty hidden under layers of kindness, cultivated over a lifetime of being used and lied too.

Alaparos is a large heavy set man with a sturdy build with Greek heritage. He has dark olive skin with smatterings of freckles as well as dark blond hair that reaches around mid back that is often tied up in a half pony tail framed around sea blue eyes. He occasionally wears makeup but keeps it light, limiting it to eyeliner and lip gloss. Both his ears are pierced and he has a septum CBR piercing, a plain leaf tattoo crawling up the left side of his neck. In his humanoid form, he is bound to a wheelchair and though he is capable of walking on two legs, it is quite painful and he prefers to use mobility aids to travel around. Outside of his human adjacent appearance, Alaparos takes the form of a Ophiotaurus with a double set of horns sprouting from his temples and a long serpentine tail connecting to his deer like front legs. He enjoys more feminine clothes and will often sport skirts in his humanoid form.

One day, I'll wrestle him onto the couch and make him tell me about his trauma but for now, all I know is this:

He's a great dad, unironically gets gifted "no 1 Dad" mugs, cherishes each and every one of them

He treats his children as equals and encourages them to do the same. He will regularly facilitate discussions and make all his kids know that whatever they want to talk about, Alaparos won't judge them for it. He's the type of dad who will get a call about his kid fighting in school and bust into the principal's office asking if his kid won

1000000000% has photos of his kids and spouse in his wallet which he keeps in his breast pocket over his heart

Please give this man the best dad award he deserves it

Took one look at gender norms and said "no thank you"

Will cut boob-windows into every shirt he gets his hands on, Ilmatar loves it

Takes the longest to get ready in the mornings, doing his makeup, falling asleep in the bathroom, picking out cute clothes, falling asleep standing up, taking the time to make each of his kids a handmade lunch and breakfast, nearly burning the shit sleeping while manning the stove, trying to salvage the mess before his spouse wakes up, falls asleep while getting a cup of coffee, and in general falls asleep the moment he stops moving until he gets his morning kiss

Not a morning person at all

If you run into him on the street and you look like life has beaten you over the head with the short end of every stick you've been given, he Will ask if you just need to vent before treating you to the best ice cream parlour in town

He came from a large family and took on the parental duties as soon as he was allowed to work

Will set the house on fire if left unsupervised for too long

Is, unfortunately, the most responsible presence in the room at all times

Lore bits:

As Ophiotaurus, Alaparos is bound to the armour basically becoming the surplice. This came about as Hyde killed Alaparos before he could awaken as the Ophiotaurus Spectre. Although it wasn't uncommon for bearers to die before their time, the surplice didn't take it well at all. So they instead stole Alaparos's soul, chilling on Hyde's kitchen table as a gladiolus flower, and bonded with it to give Alaparos a physical form tied to the surplice itself. Which fucking explains why the first time the two reunite Illy tried to chop Al's head off


Alaparos - Babylonian Name Meaning Bull of Light
Papadopoulos - Greek Surname Meaning Son of a Priest
Yrjö-Koskinen - Comprised of Yrjö (Finnish Variant of George) and Koskinen (Fast Rapids) - Surname of a Finnish Noble Family - Spouse's Surname