
3 years, 5 months ago



Name Casper Pierce
Sexuality Questioning
Age 17
Gender male
Species Demon
Height 1,56m
Birthday 14.01.

After running away from home, Casper now strives to bring joy and entertainment to the people despite his father's expectations.


  • making people laugh
  • performing and acting
  • doing cartwheels
  • driving fast


  • filing down his horns
  • the smell of smoke
  • yelling
  • bright lights



Growing up Casper, from the beginning, was supposed to be the one taking over the Pierce empire one day. It was the only thing his father Cyrus had in mind.
His mother Samantha, while knowing about her was out of the boy's life rather early on. She was his mother, yes, but not the wife of his father, who only searched out someone who could grant him an heir.
Despite only having so little time with his mother, he only remembered her fondly. His father however, not so much.
Cyrus cared for him, always bought him what he asked for, trained his magical powers with him and let him roam around and have whatever hobbies he wanted to have, sure. But his father always remained emotionally distant.
He rarely recieved any hugs or joined him in normal father-son activities. He was there and provided for him, but that was basically all he did.
This led Casper to look for approval and love elsewhere. It was draining, but he was happy whenever he made some of his friends laugh and want to hang out more or his teachers gave him praise for his good grades. Still it seemed like he was always busy studying or doing other activities so he wouldn't have to think of what his life lacked, keeping himself busy with other things.

Upset with his son for not keeping up with his magical training, Cyrus forced him to work more on his powers again, forbidding him to go out aside from school until he showed some improvements.
While he made basically no progress with his shapeshifting, his fire magic on the other hand sprouted new results fast.
He managed higher temperatures, lighting things on fire without even looking at them and even his projectiles got stronger. Cyrus was very pleased with this but continued to push him, just like his own father did until Casper eventually came to a breaking point.
The boy was so stressed with trying to improve and do good to be able to get away from his father again that he got too invested.
His projectiles got too unstable that he lost track of their trajectory, he accidentally lit things on fire when only thinking of them but the worst of all the temperature got only higher until his own body got affected by it as well. He kept heating up more and more. His footprints leaving the ground scorched in flames. Others were being burned badly only by touching him. Even Cyrus started having trouble keeping his fire contained.
Seeing everything around him being hurt or upset by his powers only broke him even more. He wanted to do good so badly to be done with this so why was it all going bad again?
Eventually he even accidentally set one of his maids on fire. While she screamed he panicked, only making his control worse until he eventually couldn't handle it anymore and the fire took completely over, sparks lighting up all around him and flames pouring out of his eyes and mouth.
Cyrus went in, trying to calm him down with something he never received before, a hug from his father but even after trying to clear his mind and holding tighter onto his father, it took several of Cyrus's men with ice or water related magic to stop the disaster.
From then on instead of trying to strenghten his magic, his father made the decision to suppress it instead. Not only did Casper almost destroy their home and kill multiple people inside but more importantly he almost got himself killed as well.
He wanted a powerful heir to take over after him, yes, but having a son who was too dangerous for his own good was not what he intended for at all.
Since that day Casper never even tried to use his fire magic ever again. Apart from his father's genuine concern, he was too scared himself of what could happen otherwise. Eventually he even tried to forget this day ever happened to begin with and focused even more on studying and his hobbies than before.

As he turned 14 he first found an interest in performing for a crowd because of a theater course at school. He loved it! Finally he found something he genuinely wanted to spend his time with instead of only looking to get distracted from his life at home, putting on a show and entertaining people.
As he told his father however, he wasn't being taken serious like so often before, brushing it off as yet another silly hobby of his son to distract him from what awaits him in the future.
Time and time again Casper tried to impress him. He practiced his lines with him, did little standup routines, reenacted scenes, anything he could think of but whenever he mentioned he would consider doing something like acting later on in life, his father only rolled his eyes, still not taking him seriously.
This lasted three more years until he finally broke down.
He was trapped in an environment devoid of love with anything he could wish for. Anything but being truly seen by his father.
Despite hating the memory of that day, he really thought that the incident would have brought the two closer as it was one of the most notable instances were his father showed actual feelings regarding him even if it was only terror and fear. But of course, he was wrong.
He missed his mother more than ever. He knew she was doing well for herself and still cared for him from what his dad told him but since Cyrus wanted to handle his upbringing completely on his own, he never saw her again.
He was sick of being trapped in a life like this. All of this just to later in life take over the family business and repeat the cycle. He wanted out.


One day as Casper was packing his things for a perfomance, his father stopped him in his tracks and demanded him to take of his silly costume to accompany him on a business trip to the Mortal Realm but for the first time ever, Casper refused. He was sick of it.
Instead he stepped up to him and told him how his demands made him feel and hurt him but he just laughed in his face.
Angry he got his bag and went to the door but his father stopped him. Again he demanded him to stop his "act".
Casper finally snapped and pushed him away but to their surprise Cyrus got thrown against the wall pretty hard. As Casper looked at his hands they were engulfed in blue flames...
Scared he backed away not knowing what just happened. Didn't the training work? Why was the fire still so easily triggered? As his father got up again, brushing some dust from his suit, he wasted no time and grabbed the boy by the collar so he couldn't attack him a second time.
He mentioned how his powers seemed to still be as strong as the day he almost died so they'd have to enact stronger means of repressing his magic as it clearly hasn't worked before.
Too scared of finding out what those means were going to be, knowing his father's methods of getting what he wanted from his enemies already, Casper tried to get away from him, managing to hold onto his hand until he managed to free himself with another burst of flames. Quickly he ran away, escaping his father's pursuit and every one of his men's efforts to get a hold of him until getting away from the property.
He just ran. He couldn't keep doing this. Not with his magic, not with his life, with everything.
Still distraught in the head, he didn't think much of any consequences and ran through the city streets. He didn't know if he was still followed or not but his legs just moved on their own.
Eventually he grabbed a parked motorcycle and tried to hijack it. Luckily his magic helped him at just the right time and so he raced off into the night.

Casper continued to be on the run. Never staying at one place for longer than two days.
With no money or real plan, he had to rely on his still unstable magic to get around while trying to never use it too much to avoid loosing control over it, to steal gas, food or just keep away any potential threats.
Trying to find some kind of footing again he stumbled across a circus tent at honestly just the right time. Of course he loved to perform but other than that it would also be nice to have a proper meal again for once so he simply tried his luck, searching for the director there and trying to proof himself of being a potential valuable asset.
Luckily for him said circus director only wanted to see a small show from him until already welcoming him into the family. The happieness of being accepted made him completely disregard how weird it was to get in so easily but that didn't matter to him in the end. The only thing that mattered was that he had a new place to stay, even if his stay wouldn't last as long as he initially hoped for.
Casper made some friends there and had a blast performing as a clown, yet some day the circus broke down completely in a huge disaster, scattering everyone there across hell and wherever else they came from.
Still, it was nice while it lasted right?
Back to his runaway life, Casper slowly dared to move closer to his home again. After everything he still missed his familiar environment and it was easier for him to steal from stores he already knew in and out to make it through another week. The use of his magic, having to use it more frequently out in the open again, proved to be challenging for a long time. He had no one to teach him how to use it properly anymore after all and after almost setting a gas station on fire, he decided to let his magic rest before it got himself killed for good this time. He'd just have to make do some other way.

All of the trouble he caused with his fire however caught the attention of a powerful demon.
She followed him for a while until he got suspicious and she revealed herself to him. The woman was practically towering over him with her height and looming aura only made worse by the fact she was a Kitsune with already four tails but depite this she was fairly friendly to him.
She didn't waste any time by explaining who she was and came straight to the point. Apparently she recognized him from pictures a friend of hers showed her, a demon named Samantha, Casper's mother.
Being smart enough to not just trust any stranger as easy as that (now at least), the boy asked for proof. The up to that point mysterious woman, rolled her eyes and sighed, taking her phone out and letting him go through her gallery to proof their relation. The sheer amount of pictures with her and his mother was truth be told enough to make Casper let his guard down.
Eventually she offered him to take him to his mother as he seemed to be on the run from something but before she could even ask about said something, he already agreed.
The Kitsune brought him along to a restaurant of his father's label weirdly enough, making him fear if she was pulling his leg after all and got paid by Cyrus to look for him instead but after entering the building it didn't take long for a woman to spot and run over to him, immediately pulling him in a close hug. It really was her, his mom.
Casper didn't even realize it until she looked at him properly again but he was crying. He missed her so much and now he was finally with her again.
They spent hours talking. As it turned out his mother was the manager of this restaurant and met Cyrus regularly but his father never wanted her to get involved with him again as it would have only "distracted him more". Despite his father's wishes though, his mother, now that he was finally with her again, was ready to cover for him, no questions asked.
She really missed him and was happy to catch up with Casper even if the circumstances were unfortunate.
Finally things looked like they could calm down a bit again. He was with his mother, his father and his expectations were out of his hair and he even got to experience what genuine care felt like as not only his mother but also friends of her's like the Kitsune that brought him here, finally being revealed to him as Haru, wanted for him to feel right at home and seen for what he was truly interested in.


Casper would go on to meet a Kitsune named Lou, Haru's son, and fall head over heals for him. Later the two even go to acting school together.



Magical Abilities

  • Just like his mother and father he is capable of extremely powerful fire magic. His flames are light blue, almost white.
    At first his father trained him to be able to wield his powers better and maybe even strengthening them as he seemed very promising, however seeing how young Casper almost burned down Cyrus' entire empire and got himself heavily injured, Cyrus started to suppress his magic the best he could instead.
  • Inherited from his father he is also capable of mind control yet, no one knew about this until Samantha took Casper under her wing again.


  • He inherited most of his magical powers and demonic features from his father apart from his horns, which when not filed down would look like those of his mother.
  • While his parents can hide their demonic features, Casper is only barely able to because of his bad shapeshifting skills. He files his horns down regulary since he keeps bumping into stuff with them normally.
  • In the same vein, the only thing he actively changes are his eyes. Normally they would be a dark green, almost black with green pupils but he doesn't like how scary they look.
  • He's pretty bendy and jumpy which came in handy during his time at a circus.
  • He often makes fun of himself since it helps him to cope.
  • He has undiagnosed ADHD.
  • Just like his mom's the two beauty marks under his eyes aren't natural and only done as makeup. He started doing this after going through old pictures of her his dad still had since he really missed her.
  • Even though his inherited powers are pretty strong like his father's, since they have been suppressed most of his life, he rarely tries to use them in fear of what could happen.



Lou [ Crush/Best Friend ]

They eventually met when Haru took him along to the restaurant one day. Lou's flirty attitude left Casper all embarassed and bubbly from the start but the more they hung out the more they learned about their shared interest in acting. Lou always yearned for the dramatic while Casper loves to leave an impression on a crowd. Despite what outsiders might think, Lou would always step in to help Casper out when he got too anxious and likes to spend more time with him than anyone else despite his popularity.


Cyrus [ Father ]

Ever since Casper was little, Cyrus strived to make his son into a powerful demon just like himself since he not only inherited his father's magic but also was able to wield even stronger power than Cyrus ever could. But after a young Casper almost burned down his father's entire empire, Cyrus deemed him to be too powerful for his own good and instead went on to repress his magic. All of his power hungry obsession with planning on overthrowing Lillian herself and growing his business however didn't leave much room for a healthy Father-Son relationship and so Casper only rarely felt love from him.


Samantha [ Mother ]

Before reuniting with her again he last saw his mom as a toddler so he has a lot of catching up to do with her now. He's really happy that she's covering for him so his dad wouldn't find him and drag him back home. She's very caring, something he really needs right now. He likes to help out in her restaurant to earn some more pocket money.


Oakley [ "Step-Mother" ]

He never met Oakley personally as he ran away from home before his father could introduce the two to each other. From what he said about her she seems to be nicer than him at least but Casper still wouldn't think he could ever see her as his mother. Right now anyone his dad is close with he can't really seem to trust.


Bunny [ Best Friend ]

He met Bunny during his short time in a circus and the two almost immediately clicked with each other. Same energy, same humour, same love for entertaining people. He was so happy when Bunny found him after the circus again and hugged for what felt like hours. Now they won't let anything break them apart again.


Zack [ Close Friend ]

Zack is yet another friend Casper made at the restaurant, being the son of one of his mother's friends. Although Zack is more on the quiet side, Casper often enough manages to make him crack a smile through his stupid jokes. He really treasures those moments.


Viviana [ Friend ]

In a different timeline she could have become his adoptive mother but Casper is honestly glad it never happened. He does like her but both knew that they didn't really see each other as mother and child. He's honestly grateful that his dad had a good while be it short time with her as he really thought he could change his attitude with her around but in the end it didn't work out afterall.


Haru [ Friend ]

Haru was the one who found Casper and reunited him with his mother again. Since his mom and her are very close plus he is crushing on her son Lou, Casper often sees her around the restaurant. While he is still a bit intimidated by her he can't deny that she is very nice to him and looks out for him like another mom.