
Anna Belrose Lovett

Nicknames Annie, Anne
Age 45
Gender Nonbinary (he/she/they)
Species Human
Alignment Neutral Good
Innate Magic Bardic, Empathetic


Annie is a robotic engineer and programmer, as well as Eugène's mother. She has recently realized she is autistic, nonbinary, and bisexual and is in the process of working that out for herself, as well as developing a better relationship with her son.

While well-spoken, nurturing, and exceptionally intelligent, Annie struggles to assert her needs and wants honestly, due to a lifetime habit of masking she adopted from a young age. This can cause her to be placative and conflict avoidant for fear of upsetting people she cares about, but when the chips are down, she is persistent, empathetic, and exceptionally observant, making her a powerful friend and ally.

Her special interests include film noir and detective stories, playing violin and acoustic guitar, astronomy, and robotics.

"It's much easier to play what's asked of you than to play from the heart, knowing that some will never understand why you play what you play in the first place."

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