Venice Agavoi



3 years, 3 months ago


  • Venice Agavoi

  • age Late 60s
  • gender Male
  • Species Curio
  • Masterlist No. 316
  • Playlist

"I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other."

height 4'10"

Build Fit and Strong

guild Hunter

Rank Recruit

Occupation Court Judge

Zodiac Heavenspire

Residence Seajewel

HUB Handle Right_Honorable


It's a little hard to believe this thug is actually a well-seasoned judge. But the thousands of people sentenced under his tenure in the Seajewel courthouses will not forget the callousness with which he enforced the law, giving no quarter for circumstance or regret. From a young age, he had a love of the orderly, a desire for calm and prosperity that seemed all but impossible to find on the streets of Jun Nazu. If you ask him, it was nothing but his own hard work and dedication that dragged him out of that hole- but that's never entirely true, is it?

Despite being born and raised in the Pirate's Town, Venice has a grudge against the wild roamers of the sea, and has been known to bring the law down especially hard on the backs of buccaneers and privateers alike. These days, however, he has set his sights squarely on the Fourth Guild, and wants nothing more than to shatter it completely. He's becoming a bit of a nuisance, really.

He thinks in blacks and whites- There's Right and there's Wrong, and surely, anything done to uphold the Right is... right.



Breakpoint, February 2021

And Bingo Was His Name - Best In Show - Into the Deep

A Matter of Breeding (RP) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Venice attends the livestock show with one purpose: To debut his prize show-peekadee Bingo VI to the world. Unfortunately, he loses out to Beach Ball, the greatest possible show peekadee. As disappointing as this is, he does manage to reconnect with his estranged son Hornse, while avoiding the phatapin in the room. They find Hornse a hunting Linny. Afterwards, Venice leaves the decrepit Bingo V with Hornse for safekeeping, and heads out to hunt the thieves. For justice. Definitely not to blow off steam over losing the peekadee show.


Windchasers, September 2021

A Passing Ghost - Meet Me At The Finish Line

Venice chooses to participate in the annual Windchasers, after a year of training his nyk-nykka. On the road, he sees a young woman in passing- and happens to recognize her bead as that of his long-lost sister. He finishes the race in a daze, and attempts to approach the young woman afterwards, confirming that she is indeed Behnia's granddaughter. In his frantic attempts to speak to her and gain some information, he only succeeds in truly weirding Yucca out, but gives her his card anyway, in hopes she will contact him.


A New Mask, October 2022

Pest Problems

Venice attends the Feast of Beasts party in Dula Dula, but is unimpressed with Duya's expedition proposal.


North of Nowhere, April 2022

Family Reunion: 1 - 2

Venice comes over the mountains with his son, as a 'bonding' activity. When Hornse stumbles into Yucca, the two meet again, and Venice drops the heavy news that Yucca is, in fact family on his son.



[ Sister ] They were close once. How things have changed.


Hornse Agavoi

[ Unfortunate Son ] Once his pride and joy, their relationship has been strained since the passing of Hornse's mother. Hornse, it seems, did not inherit his father's burning passion for "justice", not even in the face of his mother's assassination. While a noted disappointment, he does still love his son- even if he struggles with showing it.


Suzie Agavoi

[ Wife, Deceased ] A good woman, to the very end. The world is smaller for her loss.



[ Grand-Niece ] His sister's granddaughter. A ghost reborn, an old wound re-opened.


Atlas Kenley

[ Pirate Scum ] He showed leniency once- once, for a boy the same age as his son. Never again. He's seen and sentanced Atlas a dozen times, but the pirate continues to wiggle out of sentancing, and stubbornly refuses to change. The two are perpetually at odds, representatives of the struggle between chaos and order.



[ Mentee ] Venice has taken a bit of a shine to the promising young cop. There are few willing to truly uphold the law, and devote themselves to order. Someone as devoted and unyielding as Sheppard is a breath of fresh air- even better, a promise for the future.


Damian of Icewall

[ Son's Boyfriend ] Not quite an in-law, not exactly a friend, Damian is a surreal reminder that his son is, for all intents and purposes, a grown adult, with his own life to live. It's a bit strange, but he could've made worse choices. The two have a polite acquaintanceship.


Jennar Rusio

[ Miss Rusio ] She's a disgrace to the legal profession and makes a mockery of the law. Unfortunately, all her papers are in order.

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