West (Iridescentia)



5 months, 6 hours ago


Intimidating, quiet, likes the simple things in life. He keeps more secrets than he's worth.

( I miss you, soundly )

full name Ulysses Westley Holt
Gender Cisgender Male
pronouns He / Him
age 43
sexuality Homosexual
species Coyote/Wolf
occupation Ranch Owner
location Angel Fire, New Mexico

Spendin' my nights in a bar room, Lord, Turnin' them songs into two by fours

Dreamin' 'bout the day that I sit by the fire, huddled with my honey in our Country Squire

West is hardworking, dedicated, and decisive. He is confident in his abilities as a rancher, and takes great pride in the work that he does. Not afraid to get his hands dirty in more ways than one, whether that's working on the ranch or burying the competition, literally. He seems to enjoy living a simple life, unphased by the comings and goings of others. West comes off as aloof though cordial, and struggles to make connections with others due to a fear of trusting them.

I'll love you 'till my lungs give out, I ain't lyin'.

Underneath it all, West often ponders philosophical topics when he's alone, prone to stargazing and wondering about the universe. Quietly sorrowful and melancholy at times, often lost in thought while he's working. West is scarred from a childhood of abandonment and lack of affection, and a young adulthood full of avoiding others due to that. Hard to get close to, and hard to lose once you have him.

Song Title
Artist or Band

( )

0:00 0:00
Aenean sit amet venenatis sapien
Maecenas aliquet odio vitae nisl hendrerit
eget ullamcorper risus ullamcorper
Aliquam nec massa nisl
































Muscular, Dad-bod

( design notes )

  • Dad bod, please do not draw him skinny!
  • Stars on his body are not mandatory in art, nor present in universes that it would not be realistic.
  • Wears western-style clothing; modern, retro, flashy or modest! (Tends to lean towards modest in most non-fantasy universes). He is not normally seen outside without his Stetson hat, will more often than not wear some sort of flannel workshirt around the ranch with a denim or leather jacket over top. Enjoys jeans and slacks, you would not catch him dead in shorts or a t-shirt outside of his house. Dresses up for special occasions in, you guessed it, a fancier version of the clothes he already wears.
  • Bolo ties and handkerchiefs encouraged.
  • Not often seen smiling; pensive, tired, bothered, thoughtful.
  • Moustache optional, sometimes he shaves it, sometimes not! Feel free to add other facial hair along with it (short beards, stubble, w/e)
Leather, teakwood, tobacco, hay
Laid back, quiet
worth: 250 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Cigars
  • Whiskey
  • Red Wine
  • Horses, has a soft spot for chickens
  • Piano (he isn't good at it)
  • Country music, bluegrass
  • Wool texture
  • Potroast
  • Potatoes, cooked any way
  • The smell of woodfire
  • Peace and quiet
  • The countryside
  • Sunset
  • The sound of whistling
  • The stars and space
  • Philosophical discussion
  • Simple dishes

  • Swimming
  • Sand
  • Being in tight spaces
  • Nosy people
  • The taste of lemon
  • Spicy food, he just hasn't tried a lot of it
  • Trying new things on his own
  • Busy cities
  • People who act superior
  • The law

  • Death, though he spends a lot of time around it
  • Commitment, afraid of being 'tied down'
  • Abandonment by those he cares about
  • Not being in control

  • Be genuinely, truly happy
  • Stop killing people, hopefully
  • Have the best ranch he possibly can
  • Make genuine connections, despite it being hard

( Personality )

having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

West is hardworking, and follows in the footsteps of his mentor before him, wanting to be the best rancher he can be. He is dedicated to taking care of his horses and training his ranchhands to do so as well, often getting ahead of himself in assuming everyone knows how to do the things he does around the ranch. West's ambition has gotten him into trouble from time to time, causing friction with other landowners around his property as he worked to expand the land that was left to him. He is not afraid to threaten those who try to take away what he has worked for or get in the way of his progress, and make good on those threats if need be. This is a side that West prefers to only show those he doesn't like, however, as it taskes a lot more work to cover up a murder than it does to break a horse.

giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.

Despite a tumultuous upbringing and his general fear of commitment, West is a fiercely loyal companion when he is attached to someone. West would do anything to help or protect those he cares about, often showing his affection through acts of service such as fixing a deck or offering his services for free. He is a good friend when he needs to be, often to his own detriment, when his dedication to a friend causes him to start a barfight or get into trouble with the law. West would follow someone to the ends of the earth if they asked him to, though first they'd need to break through his shell.

not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.

West presents with a generally neutral, business-like demeanor upon first meeting, quiet and dry-witted unless something has piqued his curiosity. He hides his friendliness underneath this exterior, preferring to 'feel out' if someone means well, has bad intentions, or if he just doesn't like them. He is polite, though cold, hiding whatever vulnerability exists within him. This can often end up in missed connections, or folks just generally not liking him. West opens up much easier if there is common ground, such as shared interests or business relationships.

direct and outspoken; straightforward and honest.

The rancher with a mountain of skeletons in his closet, forthright? Despite West's collection of secrets and hidden feelings, he is straightforward and honest most of the time. Being called 'blunt' would be more accurate, as he says what's on his mind unless he has a reason not to trust his company, which can sometimes offend others or give them a glimpse at his true self. West wants to trust those he cares about, and wants them to trust him the same. He does not keep secrets from his close allies and friends, and does not hide his affection from them either, romantic or otherwise, despite perhaps not finding the words to be able to say it.

not expressing or revealing commitment to a definite opinion or course of action.

West is not noncommittal in his decisions regarding work, or his general life. In fact, he has a very easy time making decisions, as he thinks of one and goes with it. That can be a problem when the first course of action doesn't go to plan and he can't figure out a different way to do things. No, West simply cannot commit to a partner, desparate to keep himself unavailable-- or available to any handsome man he can draw in with the surprising amount of charm he can conjure. If he thinks too deeply about it he becomes upset and angry with himself, so he doesn't, and enjoys the company of whoever he pleases.

feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.

With ambition comes confidence, and West has plenty of both. He is confident in his skills, whether that be ranching, hunting, or burying bo-- fenceposts. Something could be said about a lack of self-esteem causing his closed-off nature and resistance to emotional intimacy, but he wouldn't admit any of that out loud. Not without a lot of whiskey in his system.

( trivia )

  • West does not truly believe in an afterlife or any sort of god, but often wonders what else could be out there beyond the cosmos.
  • Enjoys card games and darts, hates western books but loves the movies.
  • Not a big fan of water or flying, likes to keep his feet on the ground.

Are you happy with the suffix given to you, or would you change it to something else if given the chance?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Are there any clanmates of yours that always get on your nerves?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

What skill do you wish you were better at?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

What rule of the warrior code are you most likely to break?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

What haunts you?

My Mother. He wasn't good to her 'n I should've been there.

Why're you askin'?
The Beginning

West was born in El Paso, Texas, to a cruel father and a softhearted but distant mother, like many boys during his era of childhood. He learned early to keep his feelings to himself, becoming a very quiet and introverted child. West also learned how to fight-- becoming a bit of a scrapper during his time at school in order to feel some sort of power and control over his life. This conflicted with his home life, and he ended up having to defend himself from more than just other kids at school. He was constantly under scrutiny from his father and became desperate to impress him, trying to get attention in any way possible. He eventually grew up and became a thoughtful young adult, though his fear of failure and need to succeed carried on with him. He moved away from home feeling lost, but didn't look back for anything. When West was in his 30's mother passed away, he refused to attend her funeral, terrified to face his father and relive his childhood memories again. He regrets this decision to this day.

West moved to Angel Fire, New Mexico as a young man, not knowing what he wanted to do with his life. He knew he liked horses, after spending summers on his uncle's farm. He found employment working as a ranchhand for a local who taught him everything he needed to know, and eventually passed away, leaving One Trick ranch to him. He also took possession of an old barn that seemed to cause any creature kept inside to die. He left it to rot, and it sits as a haunting reminder of the evil that has woven itself into the very land he resides on. West grew into a leadership role, expanding his business and taking on ranchhands of his own to work for him. He found himself having trouble with a neighbour that he shared a patch of land with, some sort of agreement established with his mentor long before he ever moved to Angel Fire. Their bickering turned into something... more, and West found himself with a dead body and a new sense of guilt, and some strange sense of pride.

The Now
Wild hearts can't be broken.

Morbi ipsum lacus, laoreet sit amet volutpat vitae, commodo ut dolor. Nunc lacinia lacus ac libero laoreet pellentesque. In pretium sapien quam, vel placerat velit tristique vitae. Nullam laoreet a leo sit amet lobortis. Vivamus mattis lorem ut varius luctus. Aliquam vitae tortor massa. Morbi convallis neque nec ultricies bibendum. Fusce eu lorem risus. Integer quam purus, ultrices vitae erat at, convallis ultricies massa. Vestibulum sed consectetur arcu. Fusce fringilla gravida accumsan. Ut lobortis quam nec massa congue, et semper est rhoncus. Aliquam eleifend euismod erat ac malesuada. Nunc bibendum lorem massa, sit amet hendrerit sapien semper id. Curabitur iaculis nisl in enim pharetra, venenatis faucibus velit accumsan.

Suspendisse a odio ac leo tincidunt cursus nec in lorem. Phasellus at lorem mauris. Suspendisse mollis odio id urna iaculis tincidunt. Sed molestie felis id accumsan accumsan. Quisque vulputate laoreet faucibus. Ut augue nulla, laoreet vel aliquam eget, lobortis et eros. Suspendisse risus augue, fringilla vitae quam vestibulum, elementum ullamcorper justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque in risus commodo enim pretium rutrum eu at turpis. Ut nibh neque, tincidunt ut mauris eget, pretium eleifend lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque nec dolor sodales, accumsan lacus luctus, laoreet turpis. Ut accumsan diam ipsum, quis convallis quam porta ut. Suspendisse accumsan commodo sem.

Etiam placerat eros eget scelerisque tristique. Integer pulvinar semper mauris, eget rutrum justo accumsan eu. Sed ultricies sollicitudin aliquam. Pellentesque luctus ligula turpis, in accumsan libero faucibus in. Nulla sem ipsum, placerat in fringilla nec, consectetur vitae felis. Mauris bibendum pretium ante. Vestibulum dignissim eros nec elementum malesuada. Donec ac arcu turpis. Praesent ultrices, felis vel sollicitudin varius, nisl velit euismod purus, vitae scelerisque arcu elit sit amet libero.

  • West was born in El Paso, Texas. Left home as soon as he could, moved to Angel Fire.
  • Began to work as a ranchhand on One Trick Ranch, eventually it was left to him.
  • West owns the ranch, working hard to maintain it and his status.

( Oh, spur in my side )

"And I love you like the mountains love the way the mornin' opens"
"To a soft and bright greetin' from the sun"


West, in all of his apparent unbridled confidence, feels disarmed and somewhat nervous about the way he feels for Vervain. He is West's employee, first and foremost, but West finds himself watching and taking special care to teach the other man all about the ranch and caring for horses. He spends more time with Vervain as the days go on, and he fears the brag of his heart is getting far too noisy to ignore.

Nam eget pretium nulla. Nam sed aliquet ligula, vel scelerisque metus. Sed id pulvinar tortor, non tempor quam. Praesent leo mi, laoreet congue metus sit amet, semper elementum arcu. Proin et porta justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mollis, diam vitae pulvinar porta, justo turpis dictum nisi, id condimentum enim nulla quis ipsum. Nulla ac quam convallis, sagittis mauris at, posuere lectus. Mauris est velit, dapibus sed erat nec, venenatis viverra turpis.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.

relation here

Phasellus massa augue, sagittis ut volutpat at, vestibulum ac mauris. Sed sed lectus vel odio malesuada scelerisque vitae id neque. Etiam nisi nulla, sagittis laoreet dignissim ac, egestas non ipsum.

relation here

Quisque gravida accumsan aliquet. Pellentesque sodales dolor a hendrerit scelerisque. Sed semper eget nulla ac semper.

relation here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam aliquet molestie eros vitae luctus. Pellentesque condimentum enim ut sapien sollicitudin, sed porta metus pellentesque.