


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info



Singing Voiceclaim:

Emery (


NOTE: this page is currently incomplete and missing information.
NOTE: this page is currently under revision and information is subject to change.
NOTE: this character is still being conceptualized, so information is limited.

Name Glacier "Bubba"
Age 19 Years-Old
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him/His
Sexuality Demiromantic Bicurious
Race Echidna, Icelandic
Height 3'0" (99.44cm)
Build Twinkish, small
Role Anti-Hero
Alignment Lawful Neutral

Glacier "Bubba"


A light blue Frostwalkian Echidna, born and raised in the north, Glacier has been around the ice and cliffs, but now the water and grass.

He's always been very tentative and shy in the face of those he admires, but can be more threatening despite his small frame.


  • Being held
  • Spicy food
  • Playing the guitar
  • Romance + Sci-Fi novels
  • Collecting seashells


  • Winter
  • Dark chocolate
  • Singing to others ((More of an anxiety thing))
  • Self-hatred ((Hypocritical, ay?))



Glacier is seen as a very cold person by most, but also very shy and sometimes edgy, with the "bonus" of a rotten temper.

Back in the town of Paradise, he was the sweetest jar of sugar ever found. He did as many good deeds he could handle and entertained the citizens during the festivals.





Charisma 23%

Kindness 50%

Temper 44%

Integrity 89%

Courage 60%

Humor 15%


Attack 84%

Defense 90%

Magic 79%

Resistance 70%

Speed 30%

Stamina 75%


Health 80%

Confidence 10%

Intelligence 70%

Manners 87%

Optimism 22%

Luck 50%

Skills & Magick



The magicka for all ice-manipulating abilities in his spell-bank. This includes, but not limited to, Frost Steppes, Icewalker, and 60% Ice.

Glacier is decent enough to be a short-time mentor to anyone willing, and able, to learn.

Glacier's healing magicka is very weak. He can only heal up small open wounds, leaving a scar. Bruises and small scratches are easier for him to handle.

Hunting / Gathering

Born and half raised as Frostwalkian, Glacier does have some knowledge of hunting for his own food, especially in fishing. He uses his frost abilities to trap fish and then cut them out of the ice.

Gathering, food-wise, is a little more easy for the echidna. He uses a book of plants to learn what IS edible and what ISN'T.

Sadly, that's all for his knowledge on the goods.

Winter's Divide / Frost Steppes / Icicle / Icewalker

All three magicks are part of the ice-building category, and are the most used ones out of Glacier's entire spellbook, other than the more offensive ones. While considered escapism or defensive, they can still be used for battle.

The construction melts away once Glacier is 5 miles away from it.

Winter's Divide - The ability to create walls out of blue ice, which are VERY hard to break down by even a beefed-up human being, let alone a Sonic-like Mobian. Glacier could entrap someone and escape, or use the wall(s) for defense.

Frost Steppes - Creating stairs, both straight and spiral, out of pure ice. While doing so, Glacier must be near a large body of water. Green Isles' sea is a perfect source for his spiraling.

Icicle - Forming buildings/towers out of pure ice, and occasionally, snow. All structures have a few flowers, the top with a large, circular window that lets the sunlight bounce off of a peculiar purple orb.

Icewalker - Most used, and most beneficial in the area of Green Isles and other islandic locations, is Icewalker. A simple step, when concentrated, can create aa platform of ice, commonly used in the olden days of the Frostwalker Tribe to relocate their home with long bridges.

((Traditional)) Art / Instrumental / Singing

In the scheme of things, Glacier is rather decent at portraits. He finds his passion in painting the people he loves the most, but is usually too afraid to show them his appreciation.

His style is always jumbled, Glacier can't find a comfortable way to keep it.

The blue echidna is actually a rather pretty singer, unfortunately only singing to himself or his momma-figure. He sings about romantic things, like hand holding, and often writes his own lyrics down to then crumbled up the page and throw it away.

Instrumental wise, he can play the guitar really well, being taught by the best guitar player of the tropical island, south of Green Isles. He always played for the orphans of the cathedral. It was the best moment in his lifetime thus far.

The second best instrument from the echidna was in a tie between the ukulele and the flute, both he can sorta' teach, which he did to his friends and ex-girlfriend.

((Let's just say the band didn't last as long as he'd hope))

Cackles of Snow

A curse that causes the irises and pupils of the victim to lighten, almost as white as the sclera. The laughing begins within minutes if not treated properly, which is commonly by applying a warm rag to the forehead and holding the person from wandering into any source of water.

If water is reached, they will experience an internal version of the fourth stage of hypothermia, which is near death. The victim will stay there until it passes, they are pulled out, or they freeze to death.

The wait time for Cackles of Snow to pass is an hour, shortened by a half when a warm rag is added.

Glacier cannot normally perform this unless he is emotionally close to the person, plus it has a month-long cooldown.

60% Ice / Thorns

The only offensive abilities that he currently has studied.

60% Ice - Only performed when Glacier is frustrated with a specific person, and in rare instances a group of people. When focused on said person(s), he raises his hands slowly above his waist. This, in turn, forces all internal and water-filled parts of the body into ice. Those parts of the body include: Brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, muscles, skin, and even bones.

Thorns - A multitude of ice-spikes coming out of the ground at rapid speed, normally untargeted at any person in particular, unless aggravated.


Satchel[ equipment/Storage ]

A dark purple satchel with gold accents and a three keychains that resemble a sea turtle, seashell, and a white flower.
Consists of a few artistic materials (Charcoals, oil paints, baking clay) and basic survival items (Pocket knife, canned fruit, dark blue water skin, small pot, some matches, and a book of plants). 

Condition: Fantastic!

"Fancy" Silver Dagger[ Item/Weapon ]

Resembles that of a misericord, a knife used to mercy-kill a horribly wounded knight, but with more unique carvings into the wooden handle. The silver blade of the dagger has many symbols burned into it, being of the wingding language.

✡︎□︎◆︎ ♍︎♋︎■︎ ♌︎♏︎ ♌︎□︎❒︎■︎ ♋︎ ◻︎❒︎♓︎■︎♍︎♏︎📪︎ ♌︎◆︎⧫︎ ❍︎◆︎⬧︎⧫︎ ♐︎♓︎♑︎♒︎⧫︎ ⧫︎□︎ ♌︎♏︎♍︎□︎❍︎♏︎ ♋︎ 🙵♓︎■︎♑︎📬︎

Recently, it has become more dull, as it has been used on plenty of occasions.

Condition: Good

Journal[   Item/Important    ]

This is where Glacier writes down his most important notes of the landscape, possible areas for traps and escapes, as well as his most deepest thoughts that haunt him. Personal information and notes are kept to the front, while a makeshift booklet of spells sit in the back of the journal, most of them he is unable to do due to a magic difference.

Condition: Decent

Walkie Talkie[ Item/Communication, STOLEN ]

Was originally used by a green shrew during Operation Specter, and now Everest Relocation, the walkie talkie has "fallen" into the hands of the echidna.

It smells like McDonald's fries.

Condition: Decent





Main Relationships



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