


3 years, 3 months ago


― Instead of a man of peace and love, I have become a man of violence and revenge.

24 y.o
Chaotic Evil
Rotten flesh
100% IC


Argyros is a big stag like creature that has been made in laboratory in a human world. Genetically constructed by mixing multiple carnivorous animal DNAs in order to create a killing machine that could be controlled and used for some spying missions. Sadly, Argyros was a prototype and with that, his DNA was corrupted along with his traits and his way of thinking.

Competitive - Hostile - Selfish - Arrogant - Distractible - Cold - Ignorant - Lazy Protective - Obsessive - Curious - Provocateur - Charismati - Coward

extra info;

❇ Genetic experiment, something that came out of the outer world and out of a test tube. ❇ A predatory entity, known for seeking defenceless smaller prey as children, females and smaller creatures but sometimes dares to aim for someone bigger than himself just for a challenge. ❇ If he dies in a fight and his body is torn apart or just left there, his experimentaly built body will slowly reconstruct within a week and so can function again. ❇ Doesn't have a human form, he already came from the human world as this feral entity. ❇ There is more than the eye of Argyros, but the fact that he is thoughtless and disrespectful is just the tip of the iceberg. To make things worse he's also crass, intolerant and destructive, but at least those are somewhat inspected by habits of being courageous as well. But focus on him as this is what is often despised. Plenty of relationships came to halt because of this and his negativity, but that may just be the nature of the beast.

❇ Fair is fair, Argyros is a complex and gray like the rest of us. He's the leader and ambitious if you look for it, there's at least that look for and appeal to it. Unfortunately his fierce nature is always ready for strike at the worst moments. ❇ Ruthless ❇ Argyros has no sympathy for his preys, It is "kill or be killed" nobody can always win. Having no emotions and turning into little bit of a psychopath makes him ruthless. Even when grouping with other predators, he tries to be the dominant male of the group, so he might kept on biting and challenging. ❇ Dominant ❇ Always wants to be on top, and hes gonna even fight for it till blood doesnt starts to flow. In groups or couples he always tries to take over the leader, to kick him off the throne of the current harem or territory. ❇ Pessimistic ❇ Everything is black and white for him. He doesnt see anythign positively and on everything he has a negative reaction, especially if hes sceptic about something. Doesnt care whats gonna happen, if hes gonna die or gonna get broken bones. ❇ Greedy ❇ Aint gonna share, forget about it. He always keeps things for himself. Anything he finds, its his and not anyone elses. Always gets agressive if someone is gonna try to take something from him or atleast try to.

Stag like appearance with huge canine teeth and two sharp claws on his front legs. Part of his underbelly is only an exposed bare skin, with that, it is the most vulnerable spot for him to get hit. Two eyes on each side of his head, together. Dark fur, good for not to be spotted at night as he is mostly a noctural creature.
