Ephraim Elliott (Elijah Elliott)


Basic Info


Elijah Elliott, preferring you call him just "Elliott" so he has an easier time remembering which brother he's supposed to be (but "Eli" is fine too)


college dropout




Ephraim Elliott's true identity is that of his maligned twin brother, Elijah.  Due to his more promising future, Ephraim tended to get the invites to parties and other social events, but also due to his shy, bookish nature, he hated attending them.  Elijah was always there to pick up the slack, switching places with Ephraim and happily attending in his stead, everyone seemingly none the wiser.  It was at one of these parties that Elijah received the phone call that "Elijah" had passed away.  With your parents clearly seeing you as the inferior of the twins, even in their disappointed, hushed tones over your own "death," how the hell do you break the news to them?!

...So he didn't.  He kept hemming and hawing over how to tell them, but chickened out each time.  Soon enough, there was a whole funeral--a funeral for himself, that he had to attend, really hammering home how awkward everyone felt about his educational failures, his attitude, his public barfights, his explosive relationships, and so on.  The idea of telling anyone that the "good" brother was the one that died became a more and more daunting task.  Besides, his brother had an actual degree, and an actual job...how hard could it be?  Maybe it's better if Elijah Elliott died for real.

Elijah has been able to keep his public persona relatively steady since; he'd even daresay he's good at it now.  However, now that the supernatural's been thrown into the mix, he knows it's only a matter of time before someone peeks into his heart and finds the truth.  He NEEDS to tell someone, before they learn in the worst way possible and he loses all trust...but how do you even begin to open up when you've closed yourself off for almost ten years?

  • Fun fact: "Elliott" is a form of "Elijah," making his name basically redundant.  He used to joke that this was hard evidence his parents liked him less.
  • NOTE: Images are tagged with Elijah if I think they specifically illustrate his authentic self instead of his public-facing self.  It's kind of a blurry line, since both of these tabs are for the same guy, and all.