


3 years, 4 months ago


Keith __ - 19 - They/Them - Nonbinary

Keith is Agent 3 of the Squidbeak Splatoon. They've been working with Cap'n Cuttlefish since Dj Octavios first insurrection a couple years back, and is currently investigating Kamabo Co's exploits. More often than not, they run into octolings that are trying to escape, and they do their best to help them make it to the surface unscathed.

Keith is your classic silent protagonist, they usually try to let their actions speak louder than words. (Also, since they work mostly underground, they are a little self conscious of their rough Octarian. They're learning the language slowly.) They might take themself a little too seriously at times, but they're really trying to do good. Their father became pretty absent after their mother passed away, so they have really become attached to the Squidbeak Splatoon as family. They're trying to do the best they can so they keep them around.

They ran into a particularly strange octoling once, a tall and somewhat terrifying one that had gotten injured, and lost his memory. They took him to the safety of the surface, despite his stubborn attitude, and let some of the relief efforts for octolings up top take him from there. They're wondering how Sawyer's doing, but is too busy to think too much about him.

Likes: Edm music, coffee, rollerblading
Dislikes: The cold, headaches, sunburns

Cap'n Cuttlefish: You're my gramps! boogie woogie woogie
Sawyer: I hope you're doing okay, cuz you were a pain to deal with.
Arwen: I've heard about you from Marie...I hope I don't ever have to work with you, 4.