ꕤ pyrrha.



3 years, 4 months ago



name pyrrha, "valeen"
species arcinnian
type pure fire
masterlist #0000
gender female (she/her)
age 8 years old
relationship single
alignment neutral good
location air continent, ice kingdom
status nft/nfs
designer strayva
worth 0 usd
theme ( )

a rambunctious little spitfire that was born to both chefs in the fourth division in the ice kingdom. pyrrha has always had this lively spirit about her, and with an overactive imagination within dangerous scenarios has always painted her as the victor. despite her parent's unforseen demise, she still remains upbeat - especially since she gained a best friend at the lowest point of her life.

now assigned personally by queen aurora ( even if that was simply a way to drive her out of the kingdom ), pyrrha takes full dedicated responsibility in being the top scout in the third faction, just reaching out for queen aurora's praise. despite all of her time outside of the castle, she learned and mapped out the routines of all guards surrounding the castle, especially to catch a glimpse of the young prince without a smile. he's strange, right?

  • sunsets
  • salted cream
  • snowfall
  • classist behavior
  • strict ruling
  • gummies

educated ignorant
empathetic logical
organised messy
honest insincere

design notes
  • the tips of her ears, hair, and tail all have a whisp feeling to it, resembling flickering fire.
  • her cape is always with her, it was a gift from her parents for her birthday.
  • fully capable of combusting into a giant fireball, and she suffers no burn marks from it.
  • because of this her cape was made from fireproof materials.