The Hunter (shedim au)



2 years, 7 months ago


Au for Skeletondoggy's setting :) for fun, to explore different aspects of their personalities and an excuse for me to indulge in monstery designs for them <3

Height: 5'5"
Magic specialty: doesnt know doesnt care magic is for geeks

Main differences for hunter:
-Aggressive. less shy and introverted, picks fights for the thrill
-even more ruthless and animalistic (kitty cat moments)
-cares about what others think of them. a lot. mainly for cooks sake
-heavily conflicted about their desire to protect and care for others esp the defenseless/unwanted since thats cringe shit but they cant help it
-heavily conflicted about wanting to support cook (and accidentally causing more problems)
-heavily conflicted about chimera enabling their more tender sentiments bc thats weirdo behavior (but it feels nice)
-such a goddamn mess.
-not paranoid though!
-pining so bad that it makes them act stupid
-can purr, its involuntary and embarrassing when it happens (unless in private)


Hunter  was raised rather than left to fend for themself like many shedim  spawn. Their parents are something of an odd couple, their mother being a  hulking beast well respected, known to be powerful and clever while  their father a hand-sized thing that shivers if left without some sort  of covering for too long. Their father is intelligent and thoughtful (if  not a bit overly emotional) but socially kind of a lower class but  growing up hunter never questioned this arrangement as their mother was  formidable enough no one pointed it out even in jest. This upbringing  and their good relationship with both parents caused hunter to not pay  attention to social status or perception until they were an adult and  began to be ostracized a bit for being "nosy" and getting involved with  others to seemingly no benefit to themself.

 While their family  never disapproved of their behavior and was quite proud of them for  being unabashedly themself, they eventually met another shedim who had  come from a small clan that considered itself a micronation. The clan  was known for occasionally having deserters which all were rather  powerful in one way or another so the hunter had to investigate the  newcomer. What they ultimately ended up doing was befriending the cook,  rather than picking a fight. The cook however was immensely concerned  with image and the closer the hunter tried to get to them the more they  were pushed away, and thus theyve begun to be a bit self conscious of  how others see them in hopes of proving themself to be capable and not  cause trouble for the cook.


Cook-  Their longest and dearest friend, hunter has been Deeply infatuated  with cook for a long time and wants nothing more than to see them taken  care of and do well, but unfortunately the cook is a prickly stubborn  sort(though the stubbornness is part of why hunter is so enamored). Cook  has had a mixed influence on hunter, the two GENUINELY get along and  enjoy one anothers company especially in more private and intimate  settings where neither has to put on appearances, but unfortunately some  of the cooks insecurities have rubbed off. They try to keep a good  image as to not make the cook look bad by association, but as the cook  has been working through some of those suffocating mindsets the two have  gotten closer than before. 

Chimera- Similarly to the cook,  hunter had to investigate this huge strong looking stranger but again  instead of initiating a fight, the two began to have talks. The talks  grew from being one sided ramblings from the chimera to genuine  discussions between the two. While they are reluctant to admit it, the  chimera makes the hunter feel much more "whole" and secure in who they  are. They care a lot for the weird thing and return the chimeras  interest and affections. Would not say this out loud but is really  protective of chimera, even if they probably dont need the help. 

Brawler-  At first they only were entertaining the loud fellows requests to spar  and friendly fight because of lack of anything better to do and.. a  vague resemblance to someone else hunter knows and cares for but they do  genuinely enjoy spending time with brawler. They arent particularly  close but its the equiv of having a drinking or gym buddy. 

Captain- A close friend, they met her after meeting cook and was very impacted by her purpose and truly gets and believes in her and kind of admires her for being able to not only act on what she feels but do so unabashedly. they kind of feel re-affirmed by her and likes to spend time with her.. though the fact shes almost always with others can be a little exhausting for hunter, and the two have private meetings to accommodate for this.