Andy Manila



3 years, 4 months ago


  • full name Andromeda Manila
  • age 23
  • gender Cisgender female
  • species Armhook Inkling
  • theme Song Name
The Heart • Boisterous Bruiser • Venturous Smuggler

With more sociability than sense, and little to no consideration for her nor others' boundaries, Andy is no stranger to lending a hand. She isn't a stranger to anything, really—she rarely shies from a single type of person, place, or experience. Her résumé is longer than she is tall, and she has an insatiable drive to stick her pointed nose into everything within her considerable reach.

She jokes that she could be an information broker if the field weren't so saturated, and most folks laugh it off—but with a résumé as varied and chaotic as hers, it's not a particular wonder she's learned a few things she shouldn't have. [WIP]

"And satisfaction is always gonna bring me back."

height 5'5" (165cm)

build Lean and strong; pear-shaped

pronouns She/Her

Orientation Bisexual

birthdate December 9, 1999

zodiac Sagittarius

affiliation Takoil + Grizzco.

occupation Ship's material handler

main weapon Custom Blaster

rank Hovers around B+

alignment content

demeanor Lively, blasé


  • Rather than a horizontal alignment, like most Inklings, Andy's tentacles are arranged vertically. This is due to the unique arrangement of armhook squids' ... er, arms. Her tentacles also turn outward at the ends.
  • She has a prominent tooth gap.
  • Loves sea shanties, of course. She also plays the tinwhistle; although it was originally gifted to her as a toy, she adopted it as a legitimate instrument and carries it with her all the time.

Rome Mikan


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Lyn Polyps


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Marlo Sturmaz

[ ... LONG STORY ]

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