


3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

resdjisting bio again

maybe just a merc/scout instead of a psthfinder idk dhdh



  • Name Ghantom Knett
  • Age 25
  • Gender Fluid | She/Him
  • Orientation Pansexual
  • Occupation Soldier (Sniper)
  • Generally nice to most people, but can seem kind of distant and cold.
  • Takes medication to help with the mental wear and tear of her past.
  • Her sister is her favorite person, but still wants to find her father, if hes around.
  • ...

Ghantom is actually second in command, even with her role of Pathfinder. Haley is the captain of the ship and squad, due to being a bit more experienced. Ghantom tends to be a bit more calm-headed and makes most of the decisions for Haley, anyway. There are 6 other people within the military squad and a only handful of people who make the ship run. Due to being a sniper, Ghantom stays at the back lines and picks off enemies as she needs to. Her mask is modified to help her plan and even see hidden items or creatures for a short time.



Ghantom's past has always been one filled with war and grief, as she was born right before the alien invasion. The aliens managed to take her mother away while she was still young, leaving her with her older sister, Samantha, and her father as caretakers. Once Ghantom was a bit older, her father left to join the war against the aliens as he was still grieving over the loss of his wife, and wanted to help now that Ghantom and her sister were able to take care of each other. Ghantom and Samantha were close, both going through the motions of this war and the technical loss of their parents. Samantha tried to give Ghantom as much of a normal life as possible and fill that parental role that she needs. They were managing well until the aliens unleashed a new type of attack on the planet, right in the town they were living in. Ghantom was able to hide from it all, but her sister was not as lucky, as she died during the chaos of hiding Ghantom. After it all, Ghantom was forced to fend for herself for a couple of years, and trained to join the military herself in hopes to find her father.

She fought hard to get to where she is within her fleet, being rather high-ranking for her age. This caused a lot of rumors within the area, but she tried to best to ignore them and just keep training to get better. She was pushing herself so hard since she lost her whole family, but nobody would believe her if she said that. She managed to keep her high rank as the war started to die down, but at the end of it all, space was completely full of debris and ships that had many cryogenically frozen people in hopes of keeping them safe while looking for a new place to live.

Almost losing hope of getting back to a normal life, Ghantom was found by a recruiter. They seemed to be a little sketchy, but she would hate to sit around if there was a chance of finding a better place and rebuilding with what was left. They told her that there is a planet that was a bit away, but it had many species of aliens working together and planning a 600-year jump to another galaxy. They had multiple sleeper ships but were only going to send a good handful of each alien species, including humans, to try and find a new place for everyone. Ghantom jumped at the chance and managed to be signed up for this initiative, and even getting into the "important list" and going to be one of the few who wake up first once they get there.

The jump was successful, but the planets they were looking at seemed to change in habitability and moved to unlivable levels. Sending Ghantom with a small group of soldiers, learned that there is a hostile alien group and some old technology messing up the planets. Ghantom took this personally and basically demanded a Pathfinder role to protect humanity and find a place to finally feel safe in.