


6 years, 11 months ago


22091772_rtq3KDYHQvT03iQ.png Miki

Welcome to Okamura Flower Shop!


name Miki Okamura
pronouns she/her
age 21
ethnicity Japanese
occupation Florist
orientation Lesbian

Miki is a florist who posts her works in social media, which helps her gain attention for her flower shop. Despite being a social media influencer, Miki doesn't really check her social media much unless she needs to post something. She has more fun watching videos, drawing and reading in her phone and laptop than scrolling through social media.

Miki is a carefree and loving woman, who can also be a messy drunk. She only drinks on the weekends so that she won't go to work the next day with a hangover. When Miki is drunk and in an angry mood, she would rant about annoying customers by herself. When she's drinking with someone, she represses her feelings and just make random noises.

  • Bunnies
  • Wine
  • Hollyhocks
  • Exercise
  • Ghost Stories
  • Loud Noises


  • Miki would sometimes have little photoshoots in her room.!
  • Her guilty pleasure is social media drama, since she finds others' stupidity laughable.
  • Miki plays soft romantic songs in her shop to to set the tone of her restaurant.
  • As much as Miki would like to decorate her room with lots of flowers, she ends up giving her flowers to her aunt's grave.
  • Miki enjoys watching terrible romance movies just to rate them and make fun of them.
  • Her voice claim is Lisa Imai from Bang Dream.


Growing up, Miki loved her aunt more than her parents. It's not that her parents were terrible or anything, but Miki felt more connected with her aunt and would always turn to her for help.

When her aunt was decorating her garden, Miki was curious and asked if she could help her. Her aunt accepted her offer and taught her how to decorate the flowers. Miki enjoyed the work and kept visiting her aunt, wanting to learn more about flowers.

This made Miki close to her aunt and before her aunt died from breast cancer, Miki talked to her aunt about personal issues and unlike almost everyone else in her life, her aunt took her problems seriously and gave her advice. Miki's aunt owns a flower shop and Miki promised that she'll work in her aunt's flower shop when she's old enough to get a job.

When Miki graduated from high school, she visited her aunt at the hospital and talked happily about how she can finally work at her shop, and her aunt was proud to see how carefree Miki is. After her aunt passed away, Miki took over her aunt's shop with the help of her cousins and her aunt's friends.



Rhea and Miki first met at a hangout planned by their friends. They didn't talk much at first, but Miki was always curious about Rhea. Rhea seemed cool and Miki was fascinated by her tattoos. They eventually got close with each other when Rhea needed help planting fresh vegetables and herbs. Miki feels comfortable showing more of her immature side to Rhea, since she knows that along with her close friends, Rhea won't judge her for it.


Hana is Miki's close friend and they first met when Hana visited Okamura Flower Shop to decorate her home. Hana knows about how bad of a drunk Miki is and laughs at internet drama with her. Miki gets frustrated with rude customers and people in general, which Hana understands well. Hana helps her calm down and because they share similar humor, Miki cheers up fast.


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