Flannery O'Connor (III. JoNe)



6 years, 6 months ago



John Steinbeck x Flannery O' Connor


  • Relationship Dating
  • Status Lovers

Background / About

Upon first impressions, Flannery was slightly wary of him. While their first meeting wasn't bad, the woman found herself unable to make heads of the male and his friendliness with her only helped her in shying away from him. John didn't take this to heart however and tried to chat her up whenever he got the chance and while Flannery often shut him down whenever this occured, she eventually warmed up to him, abit begrudgingly, as they were sometimes paired together for missions. While Flannery attempted to be friendly with him to the best of her ability, as Williman told her that her fellow guild members weren't bad people so she shouldn't be so wary of them, the woman couldn't stop herself from asking why he goes out of his way to speak with her when she is not a social person to which he usually replies that it's simply in his nature to do so.

Over time Flannery herself became used to John's presence and she soon seeked him out. While Flannery wouldn't admit it to, she simply liked his company compared to others and enjoyed talking to him as she found him relaxing. Likewise John also grew to like her company as her blunt way of speaking was both refeshing and amusing, especially when she catches herself and grows flustered because of it. This results in a lot of harmless teasing from John because of it and while Flannery often appears annoyed, she actually quite likes it and often pokes back when in the mood. The only time they seem to not get along is when Flannery's wellbeing is placed into question as John prefers that she doesn't fight while Flannery wants to be on the front line instead of placed out of harms way like a damesel in distress. These quips would often lead to passive agressive comments between the two and bouts of the silent treatment but usually the two come together in order to apologize for thier behaviors. Overtime they two work to overcome this problem as John comes to terms with the fact that she can handle herself and Flannery not longer percieves his worry as a sign of weakness.

It doesn't take long for Flannery to see him in a more romantic light as the male's kindness in regards to her always made her feel a bit bashful and the fact that he was one of the few to not treat her as something that could be easily broken, even if it was so to come by, made her view him a bit differently. While John never outwardly shown a interest that went beyond guild mates, it was obvious that he had a soft spot for her in the way he treated the redhead. After the fall of the guild, John mentions his plan of creating a new orginazation and is greatly surprise when she meets him before he leaves, silently signifying that she wanted to be with him.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vestibulum sapien at tellus convallis ornare. Morbi lacinia odio vitae elit commodo, at pulvinar risus rhoncus. Maecenas condimentum tristique mi eget aliquet. Aliquam mauris nisi, mattis mattis dictum sed, ultricies eu mi. Donec tempor, orci quis rhoncus semper, orci sapien convallis elit, sit amet tempor dolor lorem ut ex. Etiam non nisl vel magna lobortis ultrices. Praesent lacinia risus felis. In eleifend feugiat mattis. Aliquam risus nibh, finibus quis consequat tristique, dictum ut nulla. Suspendisse potenti.

Ship Memes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vestibulum sapien at tellus convallis ornare. Morbi lacinia odio vitae elit commodo, at pulvinar risus rhoncus. Maecenas condimentum tristique mi eget aliquet. Aliquam mauris nisi, mattis mattis dictum sed, ultricies eu mi. Donec tempor, orci quis rhoncus semper, orci sapien convallis elit, sit amet tempor dolor lorem ut ex. Etiam non nisl vel magna lobortis ultrices. Praesent lacinia risus felis. In eleifend feugiat mattis. Aliquam risus nibh, finibus quis consequat tristique, dictum ut nulla. Suspendisse potenti.