


3 years, 4 months ago


Male (He/Him)
18 Moons
Deputy (Tryout)
Chaotic Neutral

Very epic quote or lyric.


Within the world of warrior cats it's very unlikely to have a purebred cat within the clans, and Carcalspirt is no different.
Fur Colour

For the most part, Carcalspirit is mainly cream, with a small amount of black accents. He has a lighter cream muzzle, Chest and Belly.
Body Shape
Average with Large Paws

Carcalspirit is an average sized cat for his age and size, although he does have rather large paws and ears compared to his size.

Carcalspirt has large blue almond shaped eyes that are fully expressive.

He has none for the moment!

Energetic . Cheerful . Confident

I'll add Later

Blah Blah Blah

Loyal . Outspoken . Determined

I'll add Later

Blah Blah Blah

Loud . Gulliable . Approval-Seeking

I'll add Later

Blah Blah Blah

the lore

The Beginning. . .

Caracal was born within a group of cats, before the times changed. His family had been a long line of leaders, and he, himself was next in line behind his mother, Lynx. From as early as he could see and walk he would have his mother talking about his duties as the heir. His future Duties as the leader. All things that Young Caracal wasn't ready to understand yet. Frankly the young kitten was much more fond of playing games and having fun.

Even as he grew older he was more interested in having fun and playing. His mother continued to push more duties onto him, only for him to avoid them as much as he could. Why would he want to get bogged down with all that boring stuff now? When he could be playing. There was plenty of time for him to get more involved with his mother's line of work...eventually.

It wasn't a secret that there were many cats within the group who were...less than thrilled to have the young cat being the next heir. While many claimed he would grow into it or that he'd become more responsible with time. Many of the older cats recalled of his mother at his age, being more more involved with her role and thus they were more skeptical of what he would bring to the group.

By the time he was 6 moons of age, he was still yet to fall into line of what was expected of him. He seemed to actively avoid any discussions of his future and lessons with his mother. He actively enjoyed sneaking away from their home, seeking for greater things.

One of the days he snuck out, he didn't come home that night, choosing to find a place to rest outside of the group. That night he had the fateful dream from SoulClan. His eyes sparkled with delight once he awoke from his slumber. He thought to go back and tell everyone else of what he had seen. (Unaware that everyone would of shared it). But he hesitated. He knew that they wouldn't budge and he knew that they wouldn't allow him to go. He was their heir. He was the one to continue to lead them after his mother, and thus, he knew that he couldn't go back to them. He wanted to go onto greater things, and experience new avenues.

So...He set off to find the clans.

The Middle. . .

Caracal journied for a long while, he had minimal survival knowledge, but enough to get him by. There were many days where he would go to sleep hungry. Many nights that were cold. He often thought about turning back. But what would he be met with? And then he'd be stuck there...forever. He'd never be able to experience anything new again. So he pressed on.

Eventually he made his way into the desert. He looked out across the sandy dunes, he winced. His brain suggested that he should go around. But something in his gut told him to go through it. Caracal was never one to trust what his mind told he followed his gut. The further he pressed on the more he started to wonder if his gut had done him wrong. Until he spotted cats. The tom mustered all his strength to catch up to them. Asking what they were doing? Where were they going? He wasn't shy, he never was, he always saw an opportunity to make friends and connections with others. The expressed that they were finding a place to settle. After many were lost on their journey, they saw use in the young cat wanting to join them. After all he had journied for however long alone and surely showed some promise for the clan. So they allowed him to join. It wasn't much longer after till IvoryClan settled and formed within the desert.

The End. . .

Caracal became Caracalpaw within IvoryClan. Now 7 Moons old as the clan had established he was given a mentor _. Who would train him. Unlike when he was at his old group he seemed invested to become part of this group. It was new, different. He wasn't Expected to become anything but a loyal warrior for the clan. The training he endured was anything but easy. Long hours that would start before first light then to end way after the light had dipped. But it was all worth it when he was given his warrior name, Caracalspirit. For his unrelenting energy and spirit. He now lives within IvoryClan as a full warrior. Free from his duties as the heir of his group. Having a greater purpose than to be just handed leadership once his mother stepped down. He had reason to work and be.


  • Playing, Rough-housing
  • Guard Training
  • Playing Pranks

  • Being by himself
  • Being quiet
  • Sitting still
Design Notes

  • Dumb of ass
  • In consequat aliquet nunc in tincidunt. Sed id risus sapien. Maecenas in ex dui.
  • Donec eu risus tellus. Donec in dignissim lacus, sit amet pellentesque augue.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • In consequat aliquet nunc in tincidunt. Sed id risus sapien. Maecenas in ex dui.
  • Donec eu risus tellus. Donec in dignissim lacus, sit amet pellentesque augue.
code by jiko | front image by artist | moodboard images from website