Willow Naharam



3 years, 4 months ago


Willow Naharam

You never know the last time you'll see a place, or a person.

Name Willow
Species Human
Age 37
Gender Nonbinary (neutral/masc pronouns)
Orientation Gay
Alignment Lawful good
Mood Board Here
Art KennyPyro

After his partner lost his life, Willow fell into a deep depression that derailed his career as a scientist, and caused him to lose many friends. He lives off of the life insurance of his parents now, and works as a part time administrator for a local university's archives to make ends meet. The only living thing he is close to is his dog, and his social media has not been updated in months, serving no other purpose other than to torment him with memories of the past.


  • Empathetic
  • Kind
  • Calm
  • Shy
  • Unmotivated
  • Self destructive

Willow is an incredibly kind person who has lived a pretty comfortable life up until tragedy hit. This kindness is unwavering in him, but any smile he puts out into the world never seems to quite meet his eyes. He no longer has an interest in making new relationships with people, and prefers quiet solitude with his dog.





Sense of Aesthetic
Whether it's fashion or interior design, he has an impeccable eye for what is or is not aesthetically pleasing.

Having dedicated most of his late teenage and mid twenties to life in college, he has become an expert at many academic related skills, such as writing, critical reading, and research.

As a teenager, he taught himself how to sew and use a sewing machine. It started off as just a practical skill to have, but now he will occasionally make his own clothes

He loves to cook, especially since he would rather not go out to restaurants on his own.


Willow was the odd one out in a high achieving family of lawyers. Being the younger brother, he lived in the shadows of his ever-achieving older sister, and learned to give up ever receiving attention or approval from his chilly parents. He found ways to entertain himself, and creative hobbies.

He struggled his way through college, and his parents were quick to take away his financial support. Effectively abandoned into a world he was ill prepared for, Willow struggled to find his footing. He resorted to appealing to one of his professors in an inappropriate manner in order to save his grades, and to figure out how to navigate the world.

With a little bit of support from the unsavory man, he was able to get his life sorted out, and he was quick to dump him. Eventually he graduated with a Master's in biology, and he found a job across the country conducting research on marine life. It was there he met his partner and quickly fell in love.

After a couple of years they adopted a dog together and got engaged. They helped each other grow and find new passions in life, and enjoyed every moment they had together. Unfortunately, tragedy struck and his partner suddenly fell ill, and died days later.

Grief cost him his job, and what few friends that he had. The threat of student loans and losing his house drove him to find another job pretty quickly, but he never really recovered. As time passes he tries more to move on, but constantly finds himself haunted by the life his partner and himself could have had. He now works a small job that covers his essential needs, and requires little socialization of him. On the side he volunteers with LGBTIA teens at a community center, but aside from that he has no will to pursue his aspirations again, or meet new people.


  • He has an obscene amount of indie nail polish.
  • He knows archery, for nerdy reasons.
  • He can speak three languages rather well.
  • He has several tattoos.

HTML by lowkeywicked