Solstice's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Please tell me before you trade them, I may want them back and could offer you a new design in exchange.

EmptyProxy Global Rules

-Let me know before you trade or sell them!!! I might want to buy them back! 

-Do not sell them for more than you paid for, unless they have extra art.

-If you've gotten a character for free, please don't resell them unless you've commissioned additional art. I am fine with them being traded however. 

-I am 100% fine with you using your adopt for commercial use. All I ask for is credit.

-Do not use my adopts for NFTs or use them for AI art generation. I'd also appreciate if my designs were not turned into an entire closed or open species. If you'd like to turn one into an existing CS or OC (EX: Turning a design into an official dainty), that's fine. 

-If you see someone using one of my designs for harmful or hate based content, know that I in no way support that kind of behavior. There's not much I can do once a design is out of my hands.