


"Welp, I woke up to pure agony physically and now I hurt a bit emotionally as well. Physical abuse holds a very… large part of my childhood. It’s rough being reminded or compared to that even in jest.

SO TO CHEER MYSELF UP? I’m going to design that beautiful wonderful amazing idea of a mourning dove pillowing for myself. <3

A new baby to coo over me and help me de-stress when events like this happen.

Just imagine myself laying in bed with all the windows open. The cool breeze washing over my face and stretching my chest. It feels pure and relaxing. The hammering of my heart and the blood roaring in my ears calms at the soft Ouooo, Ouoooo, Ouuoooo of my pillowing curled against my belly. My hands stroke them and they nuzzle back into them continuing their softer and softer coos. As the noise falls, so does the anxiety. We breathe in the fresh air together and I realize I feel no pain. I close my eyes. And I’m asleep.

I just wanna draw it."


"Whee, took a few drafts but hey I found a pillowing mourning dove scheme I adore. I wanted to make sure she was a lil more saturated/colorful to give a happy glow and feeling when you look at her. Then her legs are mocked after the actual doves bright tootsies. The pillow I just love cause it feels so homey and kitschy. Haha.

She’s a standard with munchkin like legs and a long/wide tail for extra snuggling. She can coo just a mourning dove and make soft purring like noises. Loves to sunbathe and roll around on the carpet. Rarely flies ever.

I know males coo more, but so what, her name is Amber and her fuzz/feathers have a tiny shimmer to them."