


3 years, 4 months ago


I've nothing much to offer
there's nothing much to take


Haku's Show Aide ✧ Frog

Fizz has always wanted to be a magician, a master mentalist, the best in the world. The amphibian's entire life is dedicated to the craft. There was just one problem: a frog's eyes are not suited for near vision. The contacts Fizz wears can only help so much; discouraged, depressed, and alone, Fizz was about to give up.

The batrachian magician was visited by a strange masked coyote with plants pinned to her fur. They spoke intensively, becoming fast friends. The coyote, having introduced herself as Asthma, took Fizz to meet her companions: gentile giant Deo, and - to Fizz's delight - fellow magician Haku. Fizz and Haku bonded immediately. Bearing newfound optimism thanks to Asthma and with a new shot at the big dream alongside Haku, Fizz was ready to take on the world once again.

Haku is the star of the show, but Fizz is her loyal accomplice. Traveling alongside the coyote trio in their tour across the world, Fizz now lives and works alongside loyal friends. Crowds are amazed by the impossible wonders Haku and Fizz create. The dynamic duo have perfected their craft together, covering each other's weaknesses with seamless flair. Their relationship also goes beyond the strictly professional: Haku has also confided with Fizz the coyotes' story and the dangers that may come with associating with them. Fizz accepts the danger, because nothing could separate the best of friendships.

we're absolute beginners
with nothing much at stake