
3 years, 4 months ago


Koi is a quiet clot and very shy. Much preferring the company of his pet fish then others. The child is one of the residences of Watch wood camp. He a close friend with briar. The Two actual have a small koi garden in the nearby woods. It is a safe place for the both of them and a favorite spot for recruits to come relax at.  

Koi can talk to fish with a very clear affinity to koi fish and other small pond fish. The two that always live in his tail being named bubbles and kelp. They are his oldest friends and according to koi are both very smart, and often remember things he doesn’t when people are talking to him. Koi will do anything needed to make them happy. Or the other fish of his pond. 

It is also a dream of Koi to one time visit the ocean. Though the thought of such a large amount of open water frightens him. For Koi is not actual a strong swimmer. For the most part he is content being in the woods at his small pond. Or helping friends with fish related problems. Once helping Timber falls understand the resent dam, they made was harmful to the river salmon. Koi understands people eat fish. This is one of the reasons he sticks with koi and other pond fish. For they are not fish others normally eat. It keeps him mentally detached.

Koi second ability is one he really tries to never use, But accidents happen when he is scared or frightened. He can Turn people into fish. Most often koi or goldfish.  This ability triggers when Koi is under extreme stress or threatened by someone. He can still talk to the person he transformed… and does try to keep them safe util the affect wears off. Though in some cases the transformation affects the person to have them not even remember they were anything but a fish. In these cases, the fish is added to koi pond. It should be noted in this extreme case those transformed are prolyl better off staying as fish due to them being jerks. Though most case wear off in about half a day. 

talk to fish
turn others into fish