Watch Wood

Watch Wood Training camp

Often just called the training camp Watch Wood is a military insulation and training camp for new recruits.  The camp is mostly comprised of wooden cabin like buildings and a few stone ware houses. It acts as a sort of boot camp and summer camp for new recruits and those of higher rank wanting to come and retrain their skills. The surrounding forest filled with small scale training equipment’s from an assault course to an archery range.  The main center of the camp stands a three-story command center the mess hall, medical bay, guest cabin, and the showers. Recruits cabins are built on the outer ring of camp against the tree line. the camp only sees massive uses during the summer and winter training sessions. Summer is a mandatory training for all year one and 2 recruits while winter session  is an optional  bounces training any one is free to sign up for to join. Most upper member often come along for both sessions to both help train recruits and take part in newer session of revised teachings.  Not all the teachers of the training sessions are military personal. Some are civilians that have proven there expertise in a certain field or another and a few are even criminal contact more than happy to share trait secrets to keep out of jail and bring down the odd rival or so.

The Camp also offers a safe place for up and coming mages of the temple to come train as well. Giving them large open protected areas to summon and mage fight. Also giving the chance of young mages to get a taste of life out side the temple and the chance to even sign up to join the watch when they are trained in their magic. The ability to control ones magic being an important trait.  Yet there re those few chances where the watch and the temple personal do work together on cases.  They are both just different branches of the law.

The camp being a protected location of both the watch and the temple there are a small collection of magical creatures that have residence in the woods as well as a few that see to the upkeep of the building and training yards. There’s also the god made guardian of the camp called the Cerberus a large magic creature made by the patrons’ god of both the ach and the temple to make sure all that come to the camp to farther their education will be protected and taken care of in case anything would go wrong. The camp offering a safe house like location and a fall back hq in case of a tragedy.